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MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13,1865.[[Preprinted]]

Put up large stove in museum--found timber near flue directed that a rider should be put in and beam removed--

  Wrote to Dr [Asa] Gray Mrs Varden sent a Mr Claibourne [[?]] to find private papers of Mr. Varden. Let him in the room-- Engaged in correcting proof of Report 1863.
  Mr Shott showed me the maps intended to illustrate the paper of Dr Hayes-- Prof Baird thinks Bureau of Navigation will pub. larger map-- If it does not Inst. will.
  Had a conversation with Mr. [Robert] Kenicott relative to the products in the way of experiments

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1865.[[Preprinted]]

Engage on report to the Joint committee of Congress on the subject of the fire.

  Fire in one of the the large stoves of the museum.

  Wrote to Prof Caswell answer to letter of condolence

  To Prof. Guyot asking for synopses of his lectures for next Reports----

  Messrs Riggs & Co have sold the gold of the remainder of the S.I. legacy at about 206 which amounts 54,165.38/100. Has converted into stock 7.30 interest

  For an article on the patronage of science in this country see Boston Medical Journ No (whole) 1929 Feby 16th[[th superscript and underlined]] 1865--may be used in the Reports--