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Saturday, February 25, 1865. [[preprinted]]

Another cloudy rain [[ rain superscript]] - went to the Capitol appeared before com. ways and means asked for an increase of appropriation for the keeping of the Museum. The proposition was immediately agreed to and 6000 instead of 4000 was allowed - asked also for 1000 dolls for exp. on oils for Light House Board granted.
Attended meeting of the L. B. little work done  Beautiful book on French systems presented
Permanent commissioners met at Navy Depart. Torpedo boat examined
Beautiful Book presented to Inst - from the Hanseatic Legation
The public minister will finish the Report of the joint committee today.
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Sunday, February 26, 1865. [[preprinted]]
another cloudy - clear in afternoon
Attended church met Mr. Blair also informed me the our old acquaintances in the south were willing to give up the contest but find difficulty in doing so from the great opposition of the radical characters
Learned that there is a bill before Congress directing that every publisher of copyright books shall present one to the library of Congress. I begged that the S. I. might not be included in the number of recipients.
Fell over one of the bushes in the grounds in coming from 7th street in the dark hurt my leg which remained sore for several weeks
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