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Rainy    [[preprinted]]MONDAY, MAY 22, 1865.[[/preprinted]] Rainy
Letter on telescope fitted to a tower
To Prof. Borshman of Hellmeringhausen with passage of books on N. I. in return for models of fungi
Professor Paines approved - Had long talk with him relative to the superintendence of the coast survey. I urged the importance of his becoming a candidate
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clear      [[preprinted]]TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1865.[[/preprinted]]  wind west
The [[caret]]first[[/caret]]day of the great Review - Inst[[on superscript]] still in the running - open in the afternoon large number of visitors
Telegram from Kennicott San Francisco asking that I would see the sec.y of the Treasury as to ordering Capt Scammon of the Revenue service on the telegraph exhibition wanted on account of great knowledge and experience in arctic exploration - The cutter of which Capt Scammon is the commander has been assigned to the use of the company for 3 months this time is now up. The service of the capt is now required not of the vessel.
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