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[[preprinted]]SUNDAY, MARCH 5, 1865. [[preprinted]]
The botanical collections of the Exploration Expedition are in of Dr. Gray with the exception of California which Dr. Tonney has. of the whole it is proposed to :
1 To make a complete set for the government collection.
2 To send the next best set to the Royal garden at Kew.
3 The next set in value to the Museum at the Garden of Plants Paris.
4 What is over to the Acad[[emy]] of Science Phil[[adelphia]]
5 such duplicates as are available to complete the collection of Harvard University to be selected by Dr Gray for his purposes. The duplicates in the possession of Dr. Tonney will not amount to anything ---
Three fourths of the distribution by Dr Gray can be made immediately-. The cost will about [[continued at bottom next page]]
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MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1865. [[preprinted]]
Dr Gray leaves this morning - proposes that the Institution shall publish the botany of Oregon and California of the Exp. Expedition - folio plates on thin paper folded. Dr. G. has spoken to Gill about going to Azassig [[Louis Azassig]] - might do up the Exploratory Exp. fishes  These are loosing value. The Dr advises against republishing Carpenters Report on shells. If we strike out the offensive part he may complain
Went to the Senate to have Mr. Fissenden [[?]] nominate as a Request to fill his own vacancy. Gave business into the hands of Senator Foot- Meeting of L H B 
assistant secretary stated that the failure of the omnibus bill would not materially interfere with the Operations of the Board
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250 dollars. Dr. Gray will see to the collections in charge of Dr Tonney. They should be in proper cases 
Dr Gray on the part of the Institution has made the following distribution of plants confined to ferns These were given in charge by Dr. Tonney & one set was sent to Kew and another for Academy of St Petersburgh and the Garden of Plants - one set to Cambridge. Dr. Tonney distributed other sets.
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