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Hazy      [[preprinted]]TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1865.[[/preprinted]]
Re[[d superscript]] copy of American Monthly Educational[[arrow to reverse to American Educational Monthly]] 
notice of myself.
Engaged in correspondence
Visited as one of the committee the Hospital for the Insane in company with Dr. Gurly and Mr Cox of Georgetown
In the evening visited the city to see the illumination in honor of the possession of Richmond.    Gold 47 1/4
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slightly hazy [[preprinted]]WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1865.[[/preprinted]]
Mr Shott brings this morning the 2nd part of the of Hays' series of arctic observations. The first part is the astronomical. The 2nd part is on the magnetic observations - Mr Mead part will be on the tides. The fourth will be the meteorological in subparts - The whole will be finished before the end of the present year.
Wrote to Professor Patterson relative to the preparation of the Eulogy on Mr. Dayton.
To render the building more secure Gen Delafield advises that the commissioner of Public Buildings be requested to plant hedges in the rear.
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