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Rain      [[preprinted]]MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1865.[[/preprinted]]
The city today is in a state of great excitement. The news was this morning announced that Gen Lee surrendered his army to General Grant yesterday.
Wrote to Dahall today I would be in N.Y. the latter part of this week to inspect a fog signal trumpet
To Con. Powell to say I wished to confer with him as to the arrangements of a series of experiments on the different fog signals offered to the government
When over with De Buest the remnants of apparatus which has been exposed to the fire - Find that many things can be restored.
Wrote to Dr. Hayes for introduction to his observations. Read proof sheets of first signature of Schotts discussion of observations.
Architect - wall under the beams for the tower.
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Hazy    [[preprinted]]TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1865.[[/preprinted]]    Rainy
Illumination on Thursday night this may interfere with my going to N.Y. this Thursday.
Called on the war department to obtain a flag for display on the night of the great illumination was unable to obtain one although I received an order for that purpose - all the flags had been taken Sent to the navy yard but met with no better success
Spent this evening and the last in examining the manuscript of Mr Morgan of Rochester on the systems of consanguinity of the different nations and tribes of the earth. The manuscript which Mr Morgan wishes to have adopted by the Institution for publication will make 800 pages according to his calculation of printed matter. I think it may be cut down and improved in arrangement