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[[preprinted]]Friday, September 1, 1865.[[/preprinted]]
Miss Turner leaves to day to be absent until the first or second week of Oct.
Discharged Isaac all the men except Roger and James (who are under Solomon and Henry) are under the architect and must work 10 hours per day.
Called at Riggs to transfer 15,000 dolls to the credit of the Inst. Found that the notes were drawn to the credit of the treasurer Mr Seaton who was out of the city. Called at Mr Seatons learned that he would be back tomorrow night.
Professor Chovenet called would be a candidate for coast survey if nominated by his [[scientific?]] friends. Informed him that the most available would be chosen as the candidate. Thought it better that nothing should be done at present. That Prof Pierce had as I was informed had consented to serve. 

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[[preprinted]]SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1865.[[/preprinted]]
Paid all the bills for stone brick laying and workmen which according to the architect will be required until the end of the month.
Drew a check for contingencies in favour of Mr Force for 400 dollars.
Gen Delafield inspected the work and approved of what had been done. The work of reproduction must go on but as soon as it can be suspended until better prices without injury to the building it should be done - 4 dollars a day for brick layers is too much
The architect thinks the great tower can be saved
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