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[[preprinted]]SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1865.[[/preprinted]]
Called upon the three Capts. of the Neptune steam ship line relative to Fog-signals. They each spoke of the importance of the signals and especially of the Fog Trumpet - They had no difficulty in locating its position but did have difficulty in judging of its distance.
The most interesting of the three is Capt Tones of the Gullaties. They were all very polite to me and invited me at all times to go with them free of cost

Dined with Professor Barnard Pres. of Columbian College  went out in the evening with Mrs Henry and Dr Tonney
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[[preprinted]]SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1865.[[/preprinted]]
Attended in forenoon the preaching of the Rev. Dr. Hastings - excellent discourse
Gave an exposition before the sermon of a portion of scripture - an excellent practice
Spent the afternoon with Professor Bache - Think he has considerably improved in power of utterances since I first saw him after his return from Europe.
Ann to start with Mrs H. tomorrow
At the Lodgings of Prof. Bache met Mr George Blunts - who informed me that before an easterly wind the barometer always rises on our coast but if after the commencement of the wind from this [[?]] the wind falls then a violent blow may be expected.