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[[preprinted]]FRIDAY OCTOBER 27, 1865.[[/preprinted]]
made preparation for meeting of Light House Board which took place at 12 o'clock or rather was called at that hour - gave an account of my researches on sound which was listened to with much attention
Called at the office of the attorney General to ask about the pardon of John Miller - It had been granted and sent to him two or three weeks ago. [[solid double line]]

Sent about a week ago 5 boxes of Patent Office Reports by the Hamburgh Strauss Cunard [[?]] Agents - The [[stricken]]Patent[[/stricken]] Agricultural dept [[stricken]]through us[[/stricken]] have not sent abroad any of its reports
Rev Mr Roupher asking for return of minerals - referred to Mr Egleston - 
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[[preprinted]]SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1865.[[/preprinted]]
Report of opperations with Mr Baird
Letter from Mr [[Younghouse?]] who is going to St. Domingo is coming to the Inst to study previous.
Dr Briant has returned from Europe after purching for 12000 dollars in gold a collection of 8000 birds - 1/2 to come on to study.
Dr. [[Bennent?]] proposes to make an Exploration to Guatemala - asks assistance of the  S. I will furnish him with meteorological instruments - Green will supply him and take the instruments back and give credit for them. [[Grants?]] letters of introduction --- Letters proposed to the British Minister The Honduras and the Guatemala ministers -
Request from Mr Hagar asking [[Shenns?]] of Natural History of [[publish?]] this letter - sent 6 [[series?]] also sets to Lafayette [[Adreau?]] Colleges & [[state?]] collections at [[Montpelier?]]
The materials for distribution which can immediately be [[striken]][[distributed]][[/striken]] sent consist of duplicates of Land and Freshwater shells---
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