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Extract of a letter from Kelso, Oct. 21, ^[[1785 -handwritten in ink]]
"Mr. Lunardi ascended this day from the church yard here about two o'clock. There being but little wind the balloon rose almost perpendicularly, and, in about ten minutes took a direction towards Berwick. The weather was rather cloudy, but the spectacle was highly pleasing, and gave great satisfaction to all present. The Spectators could not be less that ten thousand. No accounts are yet received of Mr. Lunardi's alighting."
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Extract of a letter from Edinburgh, Oct. 22 ^[[1785 -handwritten in ink]].
" Having sent you an account of Mr. Lunardi's ascent from Kelso, I now remit you a letter from Mr. Lunardi himself upon the subject; it is as follows:
"I set off from Kelso at five minutes after two o'clock, I rose gradually. I had with me a barometer, thermometer, and several other instruments for the experiments I intended to make; and besides the provisions, had 88 pounds of ballast.
"I kept myself just a mile from the surface of the earth. I went into a cloud with the balloon; but the flag being 150 feet from the gallery, it remained in sight of the spectators. I was two minutes in the cloud, when I lowered again, not to deprive the people of the sight of my balloon. I kept myself constantly in sight of the earth. I went, a hour after my setting off, through another cloud; and above the first of them, the barometer fell to 26 5 10ths. The earth was no more visible to me.
"I descended after four minutes, and kept myself very low, when I perceived the sea to be not more than six miles distant. I began to come down so low as to hear distinctly the voice of the people. I anchored on Doddington Muir, and called people to take hold of the ropes from the car; and after having shook hands with Mr. Trotter Ancrum, who was the first gentleman on horseback who reached me, I ordered the men to carry me to Berwick. They carried me near Barmoor in Northumberland, but the wind coming fresher, and the balloon dragging them after, I thought proper to descend in a soft field, where I emptied the balloon. Mr. Richard Thompson at Barmoor ordered his servant to take care of the balloon and appendages, and gave me his house, where I had a good supper and he showed me every civility in his power.
"I touched the ground at twenty one minutes after three o'clock, and finally descended, and emptied the balloon in the field at four o'clock.
"While I was carried by the balloon, a great concourse of people from every quarter were following me, and amongst them several respectable ladies and gentlemen, who all seemed desirous of giving me every assistance possible."
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Extract of a letter from Edinburgh, Nov, ^[[26. 1785 -handwritten in ink]]
Mr. Lunardi ascended in his balloon on Wednesday last from Glasgow, amidst a vast concourse of admiring spectators, He took possession of the car about two o'clock in the afternoon, the wind S.W. and advanced N.E. for about twenty-five miles. Having then changed his direction, he proceeded to the S.E. and attempted to anchor, but the wind blowing with the greatest violence, the cable gave way, by which accident the anchor, weighing about 10lb. was left on the ground, and the balloon re-ascended with wonderful velocity to a considerable altitude. After floating for some time in the air, Mr. Lunardi at last descended in Selkirkshire, about twelve miles farther on the water of Ale, being two miles to the Eastward of Alemoor, having performed an expedition  of one hundred and twenty-five miles in the space of two hours. When Mr. Lunardi alighted, Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm, of Stirches, who happened to be returning home from a visit, kindly afforded him every assistance in their power. Mrs. Chisholm having observed great part of Mr. Lunardi's progress, and wishing for an opportunity to attempt an experiment in the unknown regions, boldly took possession of the car, and sailed triumphantly for about three miles, when it was found expedient to desist from a farther progress, the wind blowing with extreme fury. During Mrs. Chisholm's aerial voyage, Mr. Lunardi rode her horse across the mountains, and every thing was conducted with the greatest decorum. 
"It is worthy of observation, that during Mr. Lunardi's expedition, a very remarkable circumstance occurred. The like has not happened to any other aeronaut. When at a considerable distance from the earth, he felt much inclined to sleep; and at last supposing himself safely moored in Bedfordshire, he yielded to the strong propensity, and slept for about twenty minutes on the bosom of the air.
"On Mr. Lunardi's return to Glasgow, he passed through Hawick, was sumptuously entertained by the magistrates, and honoured with the freedom of the town."
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The soaring Lunardi has been made a burgess of the town of Cupar, in Scotland, in reward for his last trip to the clouds: such an honor would be more accordant from the town of [[?]] 
^[[Oct-1785 - handwritten in ink]] 
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The ballooning rage seems nearly over, at least Messrs. Sadlier, Lunardi, with the rest of their aerial compeers, have struck their inflated canvas, and gone into winter quarters.
^[[Nov.1785 -handwritten in ink]]
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Mr. Lunardi, on Wednesday last, ascended in his balloon from St. Andrew's Church-yard, Glasgow, about a quarter before two, and descended on a hill between fifty and sixty miles distant, about a quarter before four o'clock; he dined with the gentlemen of Harwick the next day, and was presented with the freedom of that town. Mr. Lunardi arrived at Edinburgh on Friday morning.
It is worthy of observation, that during Mr. Lunardi's expedition, a very remarkable circumstance occurred. The like has not happened to any other aeronaut. When at a considerable distance from the earth, he felt himself much inclined to sleep; and at last, supposing himself safely moored, in Bedfordshire, he yielded to his strong propensity, and slept for about twenty minutes on the bosom of the air.
^[[1 Dec 1785 - handwritten in ink]]
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Extract of a letter from Mr. Lunardi to George Biggin, Esq. in London.

"My dear George, ^[[Dec:1785 - handwritten in ink]]
"Monday the [[underlined]]10th instant,[[/underlined]] as I acquainted you, was the day fixed for my ascension with two balloons, the common one, and another of ten feet diameter, intended to be 550 feet higher than the large one which carried me. A rope of that length was to be fixed to it, in order to ascertain the various currents of wind, an experiment very interesting to us aeronauts, tho' I had not the good fortune to try it.
"The morning was pretty favourable, tho' interupted with small rain; but as the day advanced, the weather became very thick and foggy, so that I was obliged to delay my ascension till the day after.
At seven o'clock, my servants acquainted me that it was a very fine morning, on which, I ordered them to carry everything to Heriot's Gardern, and wrote a card to the Governor of the Castle to favour me with the firing of a gun, and sending of the troops to support the civil power, &c. as had already been promised. Lord Elphinston was indeed surprised at receiving that card, as the wind was too much from the West; and therefore very obligingly sent me a message that he was ready to do every thing in his power to serve me, but that the undertaking was too dangerous. My resolution, however, was unalterable, and his Lordship at last did me the honour to acquiesce with my wishes, on which I went to the Garden to prepare for my ascension.
"During the process of filling the balloon, I secured several bladders and pieces of cork round the car, and the general question was, whether I really intended to go up? The answer was, that it was impossible to prevent myself from dropping into the sea, but that I was confident that some boat would take me up.
"At ten minutes before one, the balloon being sufficiently inflated, I ordered it to be carried to the south of the area to give the more satisfaction to the spectators, who at this time were very numerous. I was dressed in the uniform of the Scots Royal Archers, as I told you I had the honour of being made a member.
"Five minutes before one, I rose majestically, not so quick as the former time, but yet with a considerable de[g]ree of velocity, with the wind S. W. After having saluted the spectators, I fastened two strings which were left loose, and began to unwind the rope of the little anchor I had with me; and in three minutes after leaving the ground, I perceived myself perpendicularly over the Forth. 
"At ten o'clock exactly, the balloon turned thrice round upon its axis, and was completely full; the barometer at 21, the thermometer at 38, wind S.W. by W. and was going very slow, the scenery beneath me was most delightful, and I now drank a glass of wine, and eat some cake.
"At half an hour after one the balloon continued much in the same state, and the barometer had only fallen 1 [degree]. I was going horizontally towards the N.E. and saw a boat rowing towards Musselburgh: I threw down a piece of cake about half a pound weight; but do not know if it fell into the boat."
"Fifty minutes after one the wind was due W. and I therefore thought proper to attempt landing on the point of Archerfield, and let go my small anchor about 600 feet below my car, and began to descend;  but as I found that I found that I was coming down with too great rapidity, and had no ballast, nor even the big anchor, I was obliged to stop by descent by shutting the valve, and throwing down a bottle full of water I had with me, when about 2000 feet from the ground; by which means I passed over the point of land, and came again upon the water. At this elevation the thermometer fell to 31.
"I fastened my uniform great coat, which I had taken with me to the upper hoop to which the basket was appended; as well as my hat, another little coat, and some other things, to prevent their being wetted by falling into the sea.
"It was exactly two o'clock when I began to descend gradually: and in five minutes after I touched the surface of the water, not farther than a mile and an half from the rocks of Fidra and Lamb; but as the wind below was pretty strong, and the balloon acting like a great sail upon my basket, I made way very fast, the water dashing like silver against my breeches and jacket. I turned round, but could see no boat whatever; but, when about two miles and a half from the south shore, I could distinguish three ships under sail about Anstruther or Kilrenny, and therefore was not under the least apprehension, especially as my course was towards the Island of May and these ships.
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"The balloon was very much agitated by the wind, and sometimes turned round, so that I was frequently tossed into the water as high as my breast. When about five miles from North Berwick, I perceived a black spot, appearing and disappearing, according to the rising and lowering waves, directing its course from the Bass; and on paying more attention to it on my rising, I at last saw plainly that it was a boat; but as I was going with great rapidity, I quickly passed their parallel, and then, as the boat had gained the wind, and hoisted sails as well as made use of their oars, I began to assure myself that they would very quickly reach me, on which I began to wave the flag as a signal that I had seen them.
   "The nearer I approached the ocean, the brisker the wind grew; and as I went at a great rate, I began to be in doubt whether I should cut away the balloon or not; but at last resolved not to do so; for, as it was growing dark, I would, without the balloon, have been too small an object to be seen at any distance, as I was at this time breast high in the water.
   "I could now distinguish two ships under sail to North Berwick; the three that I mentioned before on the same point, the island of May about five miles distant, and another boat coming towards me at an incredible rate. I had lost the anchor, flag, and pendant, when the boat I saw at first approached within a gun shot of me. I prepared a big rope fastened to the upper part of the balloon, and, as soon the boat came-up, I gave the end of it to the fishermen, desiring them to make it fast to theirs; but on my going on board, which I could not do by jumping, being very heavy with continuing so long in the water and my hands very sore, they instantly let it go, and the balloon flew off that I had scarce time to perceive it distinctly till it was out of sight.
   "I now sat in the boat as well as I could: but my feet was very disagreeable; the boat, besides my situation in other respects, being full of fish.
   "The King's boat came up immediately after, and the gentlemen very politely invited me on board; but I was obliged to decline this kind offer, in order to shew my gratitude to the people that had taken me up. They set me ashore on Archer's Field about five o'clock; and I must confess, that I suffered very much all the time that I was in the boat. When I came ashore, I found a Mr. Nesbit's servant in waiting for me, with whom I set out to his master's house, which is a mile from the shore, and ran thither as fast as I was able, in order to make my blood circulate the more freely.
   "Mr. Nesbit had gone to North Berwick to meet me there; and his charming lady had sent a physician (Mr. Hamilton) celebrated for his skill in recovering drowned people, dispatched a servant to another place with spiritous liquors, and had ordered a good fire, with two large blankets before it; and, in short, every thing was ready, as if she had been informed before hand that I was to land there.
   "I was hardly stripped, when Mr. Nesbit returned from North Berwick; he could not refrain from personally assisting me to dress, and expressing his joy in having me safe in such a comfortable place, after such a disagreeable and dangerous situation."
Extract of a letter from Capt. D. Aire to V. Lunardi, Esq. dated Leith, Dec. 2.
   "I beg leave to send you a copy of a letter I had yesterday from David Henderson, chief mate of the Royal Charlotte cutter, under my command, dated off Anstruther, on board the cutter, the 21st December.
   "At nine o'clock this morning, the May bearing N.W. distance twelve miles, discovered Lunardi's balloon in the water, directly hoisted out the boat, and got it on board. It [i]s greatly tore. God knows what has become of the poor man. I have sent the balloon, and all its materials, ashore. It is as follows: To a balloon and net greatly tore, basket, with eight bladders, four pieces of cork, three small lines, and a small piece of silk, weather glass, the tube broken, a great blue coat, a hat and cockade."
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Extract of a letter from Edinburgh, Dec. 21.
   "Yesterday, a few Minutes before One o'Clock, Mr. Lunardi ascended in his Balloon from Herriot's Gardens. The Ascent was more gradual than his former one from the same Place, and consequently more gratifying to the numerous Spectators; but the Pleasure arising from the Sight was considerably abated, by the Course of the Balloon, which was in a direct Line towards the German Ocean. It continued in Sight near an Hour, and was, through a Telescope, observed to drop into the Sea. The Anxiety naturally occasioned by such an Event may be easily conceived, especially when it is considered that his going up was merely in Consequence of the Publick Impatience, and contrary to every Dictate of Prudence. It was a Reflexion on the Humanity as well as good sense of the Publick; and it must, therefore, on that Account, as well as on Account of the daring Adventurer himself, give general Pleasure to learn, that after being an Hour in the Water he was taken up by a Fishing Boat. The Fishermen came to Town this Morning, bringing his Sword with them, and report, that when they came up with him he was about five Miles off Gulleness; that he could not possibly have held out much longer; and that they were under a Necessity of cutting away the Balloon, which rose rapidly, and soon disappeared. When he landed he was carried to Dirleton, the Seat of William Nisbet.Esq." ^[[1785 - handwritten in ink]] 
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