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[[ image - hot air balloon with design and two men in basket one on left holding a flag]]
Under the Especial Patronage of His Majesty,

9th AUGUST. [[hand written - 1836.]]
Last Time! besides
Comic Songs and
Javelie on the Tight
A Comic Piece, "the
Manger in Distress"
Ravel Family in their
"Vol au Vent," in 
the Rotunda, lighted up
Italian Walk
Bay of Naples 
Coldstream Band
Doors open at Two.- Balloons off
at Six.- Admission only
[[image- hot air balloon with two men in basket, one on right holding a flag]]
[Balne,Printer,38,Gracechurch Street.
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[[ images- two hot air balloons, one on left of text, one on right of text, large in size filing 11 lines of text between the two balloons. Both balloons have two men in each basket, one on left holding flag towards left , one on right holding flag on right]]

Under the Especial Patronage of his Majesty,
NEXT TUESDAY,}9th August[[hand written- 1836.]]
Mr. and Mrs. GREEN against Mr. and Mrs. W. GREEN

The unprecedented  combination of attration last Tuesday, and the splendid sight of the Dobule Ascent, rendered this Day's Fete superior to any public place of Amusement in the Metropolis, as an Assemblage of more then Eleven Thousand highly delighted Visitors can testify; and the Proprietors were solicited by so many Friends,  that they have no alternative but to anounce a Repetition of the Entertainments, which will follow in rapid succession. The Inflation of both Balloons will be witnessed without the slightest inconvenience.
A VOCAL and INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT-Comic Songs-Glees-Favorite Overtures, &c. &c.
Mons. JAVELIE, the First Tight Rope Dancer in the World, will perform.
The Celebrated RAVEL FAMILY will give their Ballet Pantomimo of the :Vol au Vent;" and the Rotunda Theater will be lighted as at night.
The ITALIAN WALK will be thrown open with the Fountains, Statues, &c.
The Bay of Naples- Panathene-Cosmormas, &c. &c. with an unprecedented List.
QUADRILLE AND MILITARY BANDS will perform as usual.
[[hand written- bottom right of entry ( cosorama )]]
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[[ hand written - Aug.9.1836 on top right of entry]]
Aerostation-Yesterday a highly respectable and very large company, there being nearly 12,000 persons assembled, attended at Vauxhall-gardens for the purpose of witnessing the ascent of two balloons, between which, as stated in the bills, a race was to take p;ace. There were present the Duke of Brunswick, Lord and Lady Burghersh, Lords Lyndhurst, Chesterfield, Lennox, &c.; Hon. G. Wombwell, Capt. Tollemache, Sir Frederick Madden,&c.
After the usual routine of amusements, about half-past six o'clock, as the inflation of the balloons was completed, preparations were made for launching them.
The aeronauts, as on former occasion, were Mr.Green and Mr. W.Green. Shortly before the ascent, the Duke of Brunswick made application to accompany Mr. Green, but he had previously entered into an engagement with a gentleman of the name of Wrottesley, residing at Blackheath. At a few moments past the half-hour of six o'clock the balloons rose from the earth, and took a direction almost due west. One was elevated higher thean the other. but this rapidly advanced, and was nearly coming in collision with the former, when a current of air gave it a retrograde motion. For a few minutes it was again born to the westward, which course they both continued till lost view. The roads outside the gardens, and Vauxhall-bridge, were crowed with people.
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[[ hand written note- Aug.21,1836]]
Aerostation has latterly occupied so much attention. that it would not surprise us to find the suggestion of the whimsical fellow in the farce carried at last into effect, viz.- to contrive a balloon that should,by an ingenious plan, transport the aeronaut in twelve hours to the antipodes. two way in which this is to be effected is merely to suspend the balloon in the air while the earth is turning on its axis, and then to drop on the very point of our antipodes when the revolution has been completed!
The number of balloons that have ascended throughout the present season is much greater than during any similar period within our recollection; yet, except the mere personal circumstances connected with them, we do not find any facts worthy of especial record.
We will reduce our memoranda to as brief a compass as possible, so that the passing facts may be connected with a learned history of aerostsion.  [[hand written note- 9 Aug, 1836]]
On Tuesday week a race between two balloons was announced at Vauxhall Gardens. The credulous public assembled in multitudes to witness a feat the was likely to be quite marvellous as that to the conjuror who undertook to walk into a quart bottle. But the interest of the scene was unexpectedly enhanced by the young Duke of Brunswick,who, excited perhaps by the example of the Marquis of Clanricarde in the previous week, applied to Mr. Green for a seat in the car. The places, however, in both balloons, had been previously engaged by Mr. Wrottesley [[name had been underlined]]and a Mr. [[ Name had been stricken with 3 lines Callcott.]] [[ in left margin - (Collet)]] When the balloons left the earth they were borne westward until they went out of sight. At last they fell into a current from the north, which carried them about thirty miles in twenty minutes. In one of them, at their greatest elevation, about 6,000 feet, the aeronauts started a pigeon. The bird at first gazed on the balloon, and appeared not at all alarmed. It then glanced towards the earth, when,being gently pushed from the car, it flew downwards.
The Duke of Brunswick, having been disappointed in his first application, subsequently appointed Tuesday last for another trial, when 20,000 persons assembled at the gardens, including some cabinet ministers and many persons of distinction, About six o'clock the Duke of Brunswick informed the proprietors that it was then his desire to take his seat, when he was told that, as the time of ascent had been advertised for seven o'clock, it was impossible to alter the hour. The Duke upon this declined to start at a later hour, observing that when he would have to descend it would be nearly dark. Two gentlemen then solicited the vacant seats, and the balloons ascended, one entering a current of air west by south, and the other west by north. Soon after, finding that both balloons were likely to come in collision, Mr. Green kept in the current nearer to the earth. His object, it appears, was to demonstrate the existence of different currents in the air, and to show that in a high altitude there is a constant current from the north west. Last year, in following one current, he was up all night. In that excursion he descended to earth four times. By a contrivance which he has adopted, he states that he can remain suspended in the air for as many days as they could hours upon the old system. The highest altitude they gained was 6,000 feet, at which height they drank the health of the King and Queen, adding that of the Duke of Brunswick, with a wish that he might be more fortunate on the next occasion. One of these balloons descended at Charlton, in Kent and the other on Plaistow marshes. 
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