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[[page 6 of "Balloon. An Authentic Account of The Aerial Voyage of Messrs. Sadler and Clayfield..." 2nd ed.]]


derable time before it expanded, when its motion was slow and peculiarly graceful. The animal alighted in safety near the Warren House, and was picked up by a man at work on the spot.
At 1/4 past 2 o'clock the Balloon was perpendicular with Woodspring, on the Somerset Coast, near Clevedon; and, leaving England, passed rapidly over the Bristol Channel towards Wales. 

In the mid-channel at about 25 minutes past 2 the Valve was opened, and approaching Cardiff the Thermometer at 55, the Machine descended so low that the the shouts of the Cambrians, and noise of the Breakers between Scilly and Barry Islands, could be distinctly heard. 

At this time, there being but little chance of being able to reach the main land, and a strong current of air impelling the Balloon toward the open sea, more ballast was thrown out ; and, by accident, Mr. SADLER'S hat accompanied it. 

This upper current of air may possibly arise from the Sea Breeze which generally flows over the land during the latter part of the day, occasioning a vacuity on the surface of the water, which, of course, must be filled up by the descent of a quantity of air drawn from a higher