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National Jubilee.
On Monday, August 1, 1814. 

THE amusements will begin with the ascent of a magnificent balloon, of sufficiently large dimensions to take up two persons in the car affixed to it: it will ascend about five o'clock. Later in the day, a smaller balloon, of 20 feet in diameter, will also ascend, and a copious display of fire-works, from it, be exhibited in the higher regions of the air; it will then be made to descend, and, upon its second ascension, another display of brilliant fire-works will also take place at a great elevation from the ground. Still later in the evening, several other balloons, upon a smaller scale, will be dispatched towards the clouds, charged with various fire-works, which will be seen with effect at a great distance; and after these are expended, the hydrogen contained in these balloons will be inflamed, and will produce a brilliant appearance, resembling in splendor the most striking meteoric phenomena. 
OVER the canal has been thrown a beautiful Chinese Bridge, upon the centre of which has been constructed an elegant and lofty Pagoda, consisting of seven pyramidal stories. The pagoda will be illuminated with the gas lights; and brilliant fire-works, both fixed and missile, will be displayed from every division of this lofty Chinese structure. Copious and splendid girandoles of rockets will also be occasionally displayed from the summit, and from other parts of this towering edifice, which will at times be so covered with jerbs, Roman candles, and pots de brin, as to become in appearance one column of brilliant fire. Various smaller temples and columns, constructed upon the bridge, will also be vividly illuminated; and fixed fire-works of different devices, on the balustrade of the bridge, will contribute to heighten the general effect. 
THE canal will also be well provided with handsomely decorated boats, at the disposal of those who wish to add this amusement to the numerous pleasures of the entertainment. 
THE whole margin of the lawn will be surrounded with booths for refreshment, which will be illuminated in the evening, interspersed with open marquees, provided with seats for the accommodation of the company. 
THE malls of the Park will be illuminated with Chinese lanterns, ornamented with picturesque and grotesque devices, and every tree will have variegated lights intermingled with its foliage. Bands of music will be stationed at various distances, and spaces will be provided on different parts of the lawn, for those who delight in the pleasures of the dance; the whole forming a Vauxhall on the most magnificent scale. 
IN addition to the foregoing list of amusements, there will be a fine view of the Royal Booth, and of the grand fire-works in the Green Park, which will be displayed from a fortress or castle, the ramparts of which are 100 feet square, surmounted by a round tower in the centre, about 60 feet in diameter, and rising to the height of above 50 feet above the ramparts. Four grand changes of fire-works will be exhibited from this stupendous castle, the whole elevation of which exceeds 90 feet. 
TO secure to every one a complete view of this edifice and decorations, notwithstanding its great height and dimensions, it is so constructed as to revolve on its centre, so that each side will be successively presented to the spectators. The castle, thus exhibiting the appearance of a grand military fortification, is intended allegorically to represent war, and the discharges of artillery, small arms, maroons, &c. may be regarded as descriptive of the terrors of a siege. On a suddent this will cease:--in the midst of volumes of flames, clouds of smoke, and the thunder of artillery, the lofty fortress, the emblem of destructive war, is transformed into a beautiful temple, the type of glorious peace. The lower and quadrangular compartment of the temple is embellished with Doric columns of porphyry; the circular edifice which surmounts it is decorated with the lighter Ionic columns of Sienna marble. The whole will be brilliantly illuminated, and adorned with allegorical transparencies, executed by the masterly pencils of artists of the first eminence. 

Description of the Paintings, forming part of the Decorations of the Temple erected in the Green Park. 
THE upper and lower pictures on each side are connected in subject, those beneath being sequels to the above: they are illustrative of the origin and effects of war--the deliverance of Europe from tyranny--the restoration of the Bourbons by the aid of the Allies--the return of peace, and its happy consequences--and the triumph of Britain under the government of the Prince Regent. 
ON the first side, Strife, as described by the antient poets, is represented expelled from Heaven, sent to excite dissentions among men. Jupiter is seen (accompanied by other divinities) dismissing her from above; and the inhabitants of the earth are flying, terrified at her approach. 
THE lower picture represents the effects of her descent. On one side, the Cyclops are forging implements of war. Mars, in his car, driven by Bellona, and hurried on by the Furies, is overturning all before him. In the back ground are seen towns on fire, and a desolated plain. In front are Charity flying in dismay--Truth and Justice quitting the earth--and Hope lingering behind. 
THE second side represents Europe struggling with Tyranny. He is tearing off her diadem, and trampling on her balance; at his feet, among emblems of Religion, Justice, &c. Liberty lies prostrate; Wisdom, brandishing the fulmen, is descending to the rescue of Europe. 
IN the picture beneath, the Genius of France is restoring the sceptre to the dynasty of the Bourbons, personified by a female seated on a throne, in a regal mantle, ornamented with fleurs-de-lis. On one side of her, Britannia, Spain, and Portugal; and on the other, Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sweden, are witnessing the event with delight, a group of subjects are expressing their joy and homage, and Genii are descending with emblems of Peace, Plenty, Justice, Honour, Liberty, Religion, &c. At one end of the composition, Strength is driving out Anarchy, Fraud, and Rebellion: at the other end, Victory is inscribing on a shield the names of the great Commanders of the Allied Powers, and Fame is sounding her trumpet. 
ON the third side, Peace is seen in the clouds with her Olive-branch; Time looks at her with transport, and the Earth hails her return. 
BENEATH is represented her Reign, or the renewal of the Golden Age. She is surrounded by Plenty, the rural Deities, Agriculture, Commerce,the Arts, Minerva, and the Muses. 
THE fourth side displays a colossal statue of the Prince Regent, crowned by Victory--Discord is chained by Force to the pedestal--Truth and Justice are returning to Earth--and Britannia is looking up to Heaven, with gratitude for the blessings of his Government. 
BELOW is the triumph of Britain:--Britannia is in a Car of State, accompanied by Neptune with his trident, and Mars displaying the British Standard--Fame and Victory attend upon her--she is preceded by Prudence, Temperance, Justice, and Fortitude; and followed by the Arts, Commerce, Industry, and the domestic Virtues.