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[[ start column 1 of 3]]

[[start clipping: printed in red ink]]
By permission and under the Patronage of the most Worshipful [[bold]] The Mayor [[/bold]], and a Committee of Gentlemen.
[[image of a hot air balloon]]
Who has given such general satisfaction by his Ascents from Bedford, and neighborhood.
Will make his Twenty-first Ascent, 
from the premises of the GAS WORKS, 
On Thursday Afternoon, 
JULY 23d 1840,
At a great elevation Mr. G. will detach
a Parachute containing a living animal

Doors open at Two, Ascent at Five o'clock.
Admission to witness the inflation &c. 1s.

  This extraordinary machine, in which Mr. G. made his Nocturnal Voyage, on June 3d, 1839, is composed of 1800 yards of the richest Silk, in alternate colors, of Crimson and Gold. It stands 60 feet high, is 36-feet in diameter, and contains 20,000 cubic feet of Gas; and is calculated to excite the astonishment of every beholder!
  [[dingbat: pointing finger]] An excellent Band will be provided, and the Police will be in attendance.

  Reserved Seats for Ladies, 2s. each. Tickets may be obtained at all the Booksellers.

Terms for Seats in the car, to be had of Mr. G. on the ground.--Mr. G. has had the honor of conveying 18 Gentlemen safely on terra firma, which removes any fear that might be entertained of a safe descent.
[[End red-inked clipping]]

[[begin light-blue-inked clipping]]
By permission and under the Patronage of the most Worshipful The Mayor.

[[image: blue and grey-striped balloon. Same image as in red-inked image]]
who has given such general satisfaction by his Ascents from Bedford, and neighbourhood, at the particular request of several Gentlemen, two of whom will accompany him, is induced to make his TWENTY-SECOND ASCENT, from the premises of the GAS WORKS,
On Saturday Afternoon,
AUGUST 1ST, 1840,
Being the last from Northampton.

At a great elevation Mr. G. will detach
a Parachute containing a living animal
For the convenience of Gentlemen attending the 
market, the Ascent will take place at 4 for 5 precisely
Admission to witness the inflation &c. 1s.
  This extraordinary machine, in which Mr. G. made his Nocturnal Voyage, on June 3d, 1839, is composed of 1800 yards of the richest Silk, in alternate colors, of Crimson and Gold. It stands 60 feet high, is 36-feet in diameter, and contains 20,000 cubic feet of Gas; and is calculated to excite the astonishment of every beholder!
  [[dingbat: pointing finger]] An excellent Band will be provided, and the Police will be in attendance.

Terms for Seats in the car, to be had of Mr. G. on the ground.--Mr. G. has had the honor of conveying 20 Gentlemen safely to terra firma, which removes any fear that might be entertained of a safe descent.
[[End light-blue-inked clipping]]
[[end column 1]]

[[begin column 2]]
[[begin clipping 1]]
By permission and under the Patronage of the most Worshipful The Mayor, and a Committee of Gentlemen.
[[image: grey-striped balloon. Same image as in red-inked image]]
who has given such general satisfaction by his Ascents from Bedford, and neighbourhood. 
Will make his Twentieth Ascent, 
from the premises of the GAS WORKS,
On Thursday Afternoon,
July 16th, 1840,
At a great elevation Mr. G. will detach
a Parachute containing a living animal

Doors open at Two, Ascent at Five o'clock.
Admission to witness the inflation &c. 1s.
  This extraordinary machine, in which Mr. G. made his Nocturnal Voyage, on June 3d, 1839, is composed of 1800 yards of the richest Silk, in alternate colors, of Crimson and Gold. It stands 60 feet high, is 36-feet in diameter, and contains 20,000 cubic feet of Gas; and is calculated to excite the astonishment of every beholder!
  [[dingbat: pointing finger]] An excellent Band will be provided, and the Police will be in attendance.

Reserved Seats for Ladies, 2s. each.
Tickets may be obtained at all the Booksellers.

Terms for Seats in the car, to be had of Mr. G. on the ground.--Mr. G. has had the honor of conveying 16 Gentlemen safely on terra firma, which removes any fear that might be entertained of a safe descent.
[[end clipping]]

[[begin clipping 2 in this column]]
^[[July 16. 1840]]
  BALLOON ASCENT.--On Thursday last a vast concourse of persons assembled in the streets and fields adjoining the gas works in this town, to witness the ascent of Mr. Gypson's Balloon. The operation of filling was completed about seven o'clock, when the party engaged in the expedition, consisting of (besides Mr. Gypson himself) Mr. Dickens, of the Black Boy Inn, and Mr. Elkington, of the Northamptonshire Banking Company, entered the car, and the huge machine released from the cords which had hitherto detained it bounded upwards almost perpendicularly, to the appropriate air, played by a very efficient brass band, of "Sitch a getting stairs," and the National Anthem. We never saw a more perfect and beautiful ascent. The aēronauts acknowledged the shouts of the friends they left behind them, by a waving of handkerchiefs and bouquets until they were no longer visible. In a few minutes afterwards a small parachute, containing a young rabbit was set adrift; it descended very easily and was never lost sight of by thousands who pursued it to the spot where it fell, at Little Houghton. The balloon itself pursued its steady but rapid way in an easterly direction, and ultimately descended at Radwell, Beds. Mr. Gypson having favoured us with an account of his trip we shall give it in his own words:--
  "In consequence of the excellent arrangements at the gas works, by which a most ample supply of gas was ensured, there was no necessity for commencing the inflation till two in the afternoon, and the uniform pressure continued from that time completed the filling of the balloon by giving me a beautiful ascending power. Everything being ready my companions of the voyage, Mr. Dickins, of the Black Boy Inn, and Mr. Elkington stept into the car, amidst the shouts of the company, and the word being given the balloon rose in fine order, blown by a steady westerly wind. Having arranged the safety valve in order to be prepared for the expansion of the gas I parted with the parachute and basket, containing a beautiful little milk-white rabbit, which descended very steadily at Little Houghton. We were very soon over the delightful seat of the Marquis of Northampton, at Castle Ashby, and my companions were in raptures at the beauty of the highly cultivated grounds, and the prospects of the adjoining neighbourhood. The balloon rapidly ascending quickly gave us an elevation of two miles, the clouds rolling beneath us; but my companions not wishing to lose the beauty of the prospects I opened the valve, and quickly left the clouds above.--Pursuing a very steady and beautiful course for 63 minutes we commenced the descent and ended with perfect safety on Mr. Swannell's farm, at Radwell, Beds, by whom we were most hospitably entertained, and where I had the pleasure of gratifying several of Mr. Swannell's family with a partial ascent while the machine was confined by the length of the cable. Both Mr. Dickins and Mr. Elkington displayed the highest courage during the voyage and descent. The distance completed in 63 minutes was 20 miles. I beg to return my sincere thanks to his worship the Mayor, and the other gentlemen by whom I have been most handsomely assisted."    R. GYPSON.
  It will be seen by an advertisement in another column that M. Gypson will make a second ascent on Thursday next, from the same spot.
[[end clipping 2 this column]]

[[begin clipping 3 this column]]
  AERONAUTICS.--Mr. Gypson, the aeronaut, who last season ascended several times in the vicinity of London, in an exceedingly handsome balloon, constructed expressly for him, made his twenty-sixth ascent last Monday evening from Daventry, in Northamptonshire. the principal attraction on this occasion to scientific persons interested in such matters, and may of whom went from London to witness its effect, was the trial of a new valve placed externally on the top of the balloon, by means of which it was calculated the machine, on reaching [[italic]]terra firma[[/italic]], might be almost instantly emptied of its contents, and rendered stationary. On a late occasion, it may be remembered, Mr. green and a fellow traveler descending in boisterous weather were dragged along for nearly half an hour, tearing their way through hedges, banks and other obstructions; and not long since, Mr. Gypson was exposed to similar perils. He states, however, that with the new valve, which although still susceptible of improvement, answered the purpose for which he designed it, he was enabled to exhaust the balloon completely, and render it motionless in 40 seconds, so that he and his friends stepped out of the car at once with perfect ease.
[[end this clipping]]
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[[begin column 3]]
[[begin clipping 1 this column]]
[[image: black-striped balloon. Same as image in previous ads]]
[[italics]]By Permission, and under the Patronage of the Worshipful
the Mayor and a Committee of Gentlemen.[[/italics]]
WILL make his TWENTY-FIRST ASCENT with his Magnificent Silk BALLOON, from a spacious Ground near the GAS WORKS, NORTHAMPTON, on THURSDAY NEXT, the 23d of JULY, at Five o'clock.
Admittance to the Ground 1s each.  ^[[1840]]
  When the Balloon has reached a considerable height, a Living Animal, from the Balloon, will descend in a Parachute.
[[end clipping]]

[[begin clipping 2 this column]]
  AERONAUTICS.--Mr. Gypson, the aeronaut, who last season ascended several times in the vicinity of London with an exceedingly handsome balloon constructed expressly for him, made his 26th ascent last Monday evening from Daventry, in Northamptonshire. The principal attraction on this occasion to scientific persons interested in such matters, and many of whom went from London to witness its effect, was the trial of a new valve placed externally on the top of the balloon, by means of which it was calculated the machine, on reaching [[italic]]terra firma[[/italic]] might be almost instantly emptied of its contents, and rendered stationary, thus enabling the occupants of the car to land without any of those risks arising from the rebounding of the machine, or dragging along the ground. the valve hitherto used opened internally, and its action being of course impeded by the upward pressure of the gas, the exhausting of the balloon occupied a considerable time. Mr. Gypson states, that with his new valve, which, although still susceptible of improvement, answered the purpose for which he had designed it, he was enabled to exhaust the balloon completely, and render it motionless in 40 seconds, so that he and his friends stepped out of the car with perfect ease.
[[end clipping]]

[[begin clipping 3 this column]]
[[printed on yellow paper]]
Most positively the Last Ascent.
By Permission and under the Patronage of
the most Worshipful THE MAYOR.
[IMAGE: striped balloon, same image as on previous clippings]]
Who was induced to make a Third Ascent for the gratification of the Gentlemen, has the honour to announce that he has been prevailed upon by several Ladies, (two of whom will accompany him), to make a Fourth Ascent, from the Grounds of the Gas Works,
On Saturday Afternoon,
AUGUST 8th, 1840,
At a great elevation, Mr. G. will detach 
a Parachute containing a living animal

For the convenience of Gentlemen attending the
market, the ascent will take place at 5 precisely.

Admission to witness the inflation &c. 1s.
This extraordinary machine, in which Mr. G. made his Nocturnal Voyage, on June 3d, 1839, is composed of 1800 yards of the richest Silk, in alternate colors, of Crimson and Gold. It stands 60 feet high, is 36-feet in diameter, and contains 20,000 cubic feet of Gas; and is calculated to excite the astonishment of every beholder!
  [[dingbat: pointing finger]] An excellent Band will be provided, and the Police will be in attendance.

Terms for Seats in the car, to be had of Mr. G. on the ground.--Mr. G. has had the honor of conveying 22 Gentlemen safely to terra firma, which removes any fear that might be entertained of a safe descent.
[[end clipping]]
[[end column 3]]