Viewing page 49 of 98

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[[a table with two columns]]
[[first column]]
11 Fly     eʒiʒī, e[[nasal "z"]]i[[nasal "z"]]ī, esisī
8 fish     [[strikethrough]]ediē,[[/strikethrough]] ediɑ'
3 feathers     kɑnɑkɑnɑ:
12 foam    omuō
4 fig  (?)  izopoto'
9 1/2 flesh, meat     ēnoŋ
10 flower     onɔigī
6 finger-nail     ekẵ'
9-9 1/2 fish (large)     [[nasal "t"]]iō[[nasal "t"]]iō

8 Green     ɑrō
3 God    ūlitʃɑ:, olōnũ, ornũ
2 girl     obunē moiē, udõ'
4 gold     ohupɑ:, udē
6 grass     ēwe-kekelē
7 great     ilɑ:
5 good     otsūă
1 gem     tsongō

4 Head     [[strikethrough]]orūe[[/strikethrough]], orūō
1 hair    erūŋ
2 hand     ōwo, owō
5 heart     ɑyɑ:
11 house     ulē
10 horse     etʃī
9 hog     elēdi
7 hen     ediē
6 heaven    olōnũ
8 hill    (?)  owū
3 hatchet     okuō

Iron    ūn[[tilda "ī"]]
[[second column]]
King     ɑbɑ:
knife     obē

5 Leg    otõ'
7 lightning     ɑirɑ:
1 lake     erī, odō
4 leaf     ewē
9 love     ɑ'le, mofiɑ'le
3 laugh     onōwō, olɑ:
6 lemons     orōmbo'
2 land, earth     ilē
8 live (v)    kosiōni, or koʃiōni

1 Man (homo)     ēniă'[[:?]]
2 Man (vir)     ōkunē'
13 mother     īyɑ:
15 mouth     enu'ŋ
7-7 1/2 milk     nōno
9 moon     otʃupɑ:
12 morning     odɑlɑ:, kutukutū
8 month     tɑdugū
5 marriage,    obunō-okunē, okōtoŋtōbunē
3 many     opō
7 1/2 monkey     ɑd[[tilda "ū"]]
10 moon, new     ōtʃu
11 " full     ōtʃupɑ:-munō
14 mountain     omī
6 mast     ibõ'
16 music     ulū
17 musket     ibȭ
4 marks on the face     ilɑ:

Transcription Notes:
There are two nasal "t"s in the word for fish but this character is not explained on page 5. Any ideas what modern phonetic "t" represents this sound? Maybe "ʈ" (Voiceless retroflex stop)? There are also two nasal "z"s in the word for fly which have "j" and "s" listed as alternates. Suggestions? Hints for transcribing the phonetic symbols in this document: 1. This document makes an important distinction between two different ways of writing the letter a (a vs. ɑ), even in the case of diacritic marks. DO NOT disregard this distinction. Enter the appropriate character if it appears without diacritics. For [[macron over "ɑ"]], enter "ɑ:". For [[macron over "a"]], enter "ɔ:". For [[breve "ɑ"]], enter "æ". For [[breve "a"]], enter "ă". 2. The apostrophe-like characters that appear above/just after some letters are stress marks that follow the stressed syllable. They can be represented with a single quote/apostrophe. 3. Some letters have what appears to be a vertical tilde underneath. These indicate nasal pronunciation but how they should be typed depends on the letter. Vowels can be represented by the tilde diacritic over that vowel except in the case of ɑ and ʊ. These can be represented as [[tilde "ɑ"]] and [[tilde "ʊ"]]. When this symbol appears under an "n" it represents the nasal "n" as in sang, and it should be entered as "ŋ", NOT "ñ" which represents a different sound. When it appears under a c, it is NOT a c-cedilla, but instead refers to the sh sound which is represented by the modern symbol "ʃ".