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[[2 tables comparing vocabulary in many languages]]
[[first table]]
[[first column - languages]]
1. Kɑmbindɑ
2. Mundʒōlɑ
3. Ko'ngo
4. Angōla
5. Beng[[strikethrough]]u[[/strikethrough]]ēlɑ

6. Mɑkūɑ
7. Mudʒɑ'nɑ
8. Mɑko'nde
9. Tɑkwɑ'nɑ
10. Mɑsēnɑ
11. Sofɑ:lɑ

12. Nyɑmbɑ'nɑ
(a) Koossɑ
(b) Beechuɑnɑ

[[second column - words for "to eat", numbers added]] to eat
(1) +
(2) +
(3) īdĭɑ
(4) kūdiɑ, kūliɑ
(5) +

(6) munīægi
(7) iɑ'kŭli
(8) kūliɑ
(9) +
(10) kūdiɑ
(11) +

(12) tɑ:diɑ, tɑ:giɑ
(12a) ʒes[[nasal "l"]]ɑ (yeχlɑ)
(12b) ʒɑh (yɑ)
[[third column - words for "to drink", numbers added]] to drink
(1) +
(2) +
(3) īnŏɑ
(4) nkōlŏɑ, ŋūŋŏɑ
(5) +

(6) uhɑ:pɑlīyɑ
(7) kūŋŏɑ
(8) numbūe
(9) +
(10) kūmɑ
(11) +

(12) tɑ:nŏɑ
(12a) olɑ:n[[nasal "ʒ"]]ɑ (olɑ:nχyɑ)
(12b) B. ɑchili
[[fourth column - words for one, numbers added]] One
(1) mōsi
(2) ĭ'mo
(3) mōsi
(4) mōʃi
(5) mōsi

(6) modyɑ:
(7) yīmo, lūmo
(8) mōyi, mōʒi
(9) mōsi, mōðo
(10) pōsi
(11) pōsi

(12) gīŋwe
(12a) ihnʒe (īnye)
(12b) mongɑheelɑ
[[second table]]
[[first column - languages]]
1. Kɑmbindɑ
2. Mundʒōlɑ
3. Ko'ngo
4. Angōla
5. Bengērɑ

6. Mɑkūɑ
7. Mudʒɑ'nɑ
8. Mɑko'nde
9. Tɑkwɑ'nɑ
10. Mɑsēnɑ
11. Sofɑlɑ

12. Nyɑmbɑ'nɑ
(a) Koossɑ
(b) Bitʃuɑnɑ

[[second column - words for three, numbers added]] Three
(1) tɑ:tu
(2) bitĕ'du
(3) tɑ:tu
(4) tɑ:tu
(5) tɑ:tu

(6) mɑrɑ:ru
(7) gɑ-tɑ:tu
(8) i-tɑ:tu
(9) vi-rɑ:ru
(10) tɑ:tu
(11) tɑ:tu

(12) gi-nɑ:ro, tinhɑro
(12a) mɑt'hɑtu
(12b) [[strikethrough]]bɑh[[/strikethrough]] bɑrɑro, thɑrro

[[third column - words for Four, numbers added]] Four
(1) īyɑ
(2) binɑ:
(3) kwɑ:nɑ
(4) wɑ:nɑ
(5) kwɑ:nɑ

(6) mɑʃēʃe
(7) mu-tyētye
(8) i-tyētye
(9) vi-nɑ:i
(10) kīnɑ
(11) nɑ:i

(12) gi-mūne
(12a) mɑni
(12b) inni

[[fourth column - words for Five, numbers added]] Five
(1) tɑ:nu
(2) bi-tɑ:nu
(3) tɑ:nu
(4) tɑ:nu
(5) tɑ:nu

(6) mɑ-tɑ:nu
(7) mu-sɑ:nu
(8) nhyɑ:nu
(9) vitɑ:nu
(10) sɑ:nu
(11) ʃɑ:nu

(12) nkɑ:no
(12a) mɑs[[nasal "l"]]ɑnu
(12b) B. chɑrnu (tʃɑ:nu)