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[[a table with two columns]]
[[first column]]
arm     muōnu, mōnu
alive     mukumī
all     kēkɑi

15 Breast of woman     nipēli
2 Bad     ota'kælɑ
11 Boy     moɑ'nɑ-moɑ'ni; moɑ:'hætsi
16 brother     munɑ:
3 beard     erōri
9 body     (1) mŭīli  (2) erūtu
1 back     etūli
4 belly     erūkŭlu
10 bones     mɑ:kūvɑ:
8 blood     (2) pomi    (1) nikɑ'mi
13 bread     mukɑ:ti
5 bird     moɑ:nŭni  pɑlɑ'mi
7 black     orīpɑ
6 birth     ni'kŭīɑ, oyɑ'rɑ
14 breast     vɑme'lĭmɑ
12 brave (see warrior)    (2) oɑ'di
2 Child     moɑ'nɑ
5 country     elɑ:po
6 cow     eŋōpi
4 cock     mutūpi
3 chin     erōli
1 canoe     nikūlɑ

5 Door     (1) mulɑku, (2) mukōrɑ
4 dog     mŏɑlɑ:pŏɑ
3 death, dead     ōkwɑ
2 day     ohōsɑ, ot[[a'?]]nɑ
6 drink (v)    uhɑ:pɑlīyɑ
1 dance (v.     wīnɑ
[[second column]]
6 Evil Spirit,   muɑlɑ:bŭɑ, kɑʃōro
7 eye     (2) nītu, (1) līto
1 ear     niɑ'ru
5 evening     mɑðūɑ-sekūɑ, ejo'jĭlo
2 earth     etɑ:iɑ:'
4 egg     niōtyi
3 eat (v)     munīɑgi
8 eyebrow[[s?]]     mēhi

7 Flock of birds     ipērɑ
3-3 1/2 Father     tīti
1 face     ekŏ'vi
4-4 1/2 fingers     (1) iɑ'lɑ, (2) dikōko
9 foot     (1) nŏ; (2) nyɑu; nyɑ:
5 friend     ntɑmoīni
[[strikethrough]]9[[/strikethrough]]4 1/2 fire     mŭōru, mōro
8 fly     (1) kulūhi, (2) pebēli
6 fish     ihōpɑ:
3 1/2 few     wɑkɑ'ni
2 far     ore'kæmɑ

2 Goat     būri
6 Grandfather      (2) ɑtɑ:tɑ
3 God     mulūku
1 girl     (1) moɑ'nɑ-nɑ'ti, (2) moɑnɑtiɑ'nɑ
7 grass     mɑtɑ'pɑ
5 good     orērɑ
8 great     mūlupɑ'li; ōlupɑ'li
4 gold     tɔlɔ'mɑ

6 Head     murū
1 hair     (1) mēhi; kɑ'rædi
2 hand     ntɑ:tɑ
7 heart     murīmɑ
13 house    (1) empɑ:; (2) nūpɑ

Transcription Notes:
Hints for transcribing the phonetic symbols in this document: 1. This document makes an important distinction between two different ways of writing the letter a (a vs. ɑ), even in the case of diacritic marks. DO NOT disregard this distinction. Enter the appropriate character if it appears without diacritics. For [[macron over "ɑ"]], enter "ɑ:". For [[macron over "a"]], enter "ɔ:". For [[breve "ɑ"]], enter "æ". For [[breve "a"]], enter "ă". 2. The apostrophe-like characters that appear above/just after some letters are stress marks that follow the stressed syllable. They can be represented with a single quote/apostrophe. 3. Some letters have what appears to be a vertical tilde underneath. These indicate nasal pronunciation but how they should be typed depends on the letter. Vowels can be represented by the tilde diacritic over that vowel except in the case of ɑ and ʊ. These can be represented as [[tilde "ɑ"]] and [[tilde "ʊ"]]. When this symbol appears under an "n" it represents the nasal "n" as in sang, and it should be entered as "ŋ", NOT "ñ" which represents a different sound. When it appears under a c, it is NOT a c-cedilla, but instead refers to the sh sound which is represented by the modern symbol "ʃ".