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(5) -ku to mɑ, as
leg kūlu, plu. mɑ:lu
(6) ki to i
day kilumbi, ilu'mbi
(7) preficing mɑ:
[[strikethrough]]ear[[/strikethrough]] kūtu, ear; mɑkūtu
{(8) & (anomalously) by the suffix [[underline]]z[[/underline]], as
nūni, bird; nūniz
nzō, house; nzōz. }

III. In the Angōlɑ or Kɑsɑnji
(1) by changing d [[strikethrough]] i [[/strikethrough]] to m[[strikethrough]] i [[/strikethrough]] , as
desu, eye, mēsu (Angola dialect)
(2) di to m [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]], as
diɑ'lɑ, man, mɑ'lɑ
(3) di to mɑ, as
dītŭi, ear mɑ:tŭi
dīi egg, mɑ:i
dīuwe, stone, mɑ:uwe
(4) by prefixing mɑ (Kɑsɑ'nji dialect)
līsɑ, eye, mɑlīsa
līuwe, stone, mɑlīuwe,
(5) ku to mɑ, as
kuɑ:ku, arm  mɑ:ku
(6) ki to i, as
dog kizɑ:lu, izɑ:lu
(7) mu to ɑ - as mukētu, woman ɑkētu
(8) - by affixing j, as
nzō, house, nzōj
njīla, bird, njīlaj

IV. The B[[strikethrough]]u[[/strikethrough]]engu^[[e]]lɑ [[strikethrough]]has[[/strikethrough]] is peculiar in its inflexions; The most common plural formative appears to be the change of the ini[[strikethrough]]n[[/strikethrough]]tial syllable to oɑ, ow, ov, etc. [[strikethrough]]according to[[/strikethrough]] as follows.
ūlumē, man, ŏælumē
uk[[tilde "ɑ"]]'i, woman, oɑk[[tilde "ɑ"]]'i
okūtŭi, ear  oɑ'tŭi
eye, īsu, oɑ'su