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o'ndʒo, house, owo'ndʒo
ōuwe, stone, owɑ'uwe
iɑti, egg, owɑiɑ'ti
ūti, tree, ovīti
In other [[strikethrough]]il[[/strikethrough]] cases, ōlo appears to be the plural formative, as
[[strikethrough]]fly[[/strikethrough]] olūnyi, fly, olōnyi
olūsi, fish, olōsi
ongombi, cow, olōngo'mbi
-- finger-nails  olondiɑ'lɑ
-- stars, olombūn[[g?]]ulū
In the [[underline]]Mɑkūɑ[[/underline]]
(1) by changing dī, li, ni, to m, mē, or mɑ:, as
[[strikethrough]]Egg,[[/strikethrough]] niōtyi, egg, mōtyi
niɑ'ru, ear, mɑ:ru
līsu or nīsu, eye, mesu
dikōko, [[strikrthrough]]father[[/strikethrough]] arm, mɑkōko
nikūvɑ, bone, mɑkūvɑ
[[strikethrough]]breast[[/strikethrough]] nipēli, breast, mɑpēli
(2) -- by prefixing i, as
hopɑ, fish, ihōpɑ
pɑlɑ'mi, bird, ipɑlɑ'mi
(3) by changing e to ði (?)
empɑ:, house, ðimpɑ:
(4) -- mu to ɑ
mulōpŭɑnɑ, man, alōpŭɑnɑ
muhētu, woman, ɑhētu
In the Mudʒɑnɑ,
(1) by changing di to mē or mɑ:
dīzu, eye [[strikethrough]]di[[/strikethrough]] mēzu
dīmu, tooth mēnu
digɑ'ngɑ, stone mɑgɑngɑ
(2) by prefixing ^[[m or]] mɑ
iɑ'lɑ, finger diɑ'lɑ
yu'mbɑ, house mɑyu'mbɑ
(3) by changing [[underline]]tci[[/underline]] to [[underline]]i[[/underline]] or [[underline]]yi[[/underline]]