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(A) Dɑwwɑrrɑ' or Dɑwɑrɑ:. These have two parallel oblique lines drawn to the corners of the mouth, with shorter marks [[strikethrough]]drawn to[[/strikethrough]] meeting or bordering these above & below
[[images -- two sketches showing lips with scarification lines curving upwards from each end in two parallel lines, the second drawing has chevrons between these two parallel lines while the first does not. Further scar lines are shown above and below the parallel pair, nearly perpendicular to them (resembling feathers)]]

B. The Nɑgō or Yarriba Nation
on the west bank of the Niger & Quorrɑ, below the Hɑusɑ:
The [[underline]]men[[/underline]] have three or four [[strikethrough]]parall[[/striketrough]] longitudinal & as many transverse or horizontal marks on each side of the mouth. (No. 1 + 2.
(No. 1) [[image -- sketch of lips and nose with scarification lines on each side - three horizontal lines run level with the lips and three run vertical above these, same on each side]]
(No. 2) [[image -- sketch of lips and nose with scarification lines on each side - level with the lips, four horizontal lines. Above these, five vertical lines, same on both sides]]
The stamp or tattoo of the women is more complicated (No. 3)
(No. 3) [[image -- sketch of lips and nose with scarification on each side. From the corners of the mouth, short diagonal strokes alternate sloping up/out and down/out as in a braid pattern. Above each of these are three longer vertical strokes, below each are four longer vertical strokes.]]

The Tɑcquɑ, otherwise called the Nouff[[ri?]] or Nyff[[ri?]], speak the same language. They live on the eastern side of the Quɑrre, opposite the former, & have two or three oblique lines drawn to the corners of the mouth
[[image -- two sketches of lips and nose showing long scarification lines curving upwards from the corners of the lips. In the first, three lines on each side. In the second, two lines on each side.]]

C. The Fɑntees & Ashɑntees.
These nations inhabit the [[strikethrough]]slave coa[[/strikethrough]] that part of the coast of Guinea usually known as the Slave coast, & the country in the interior. The former have no distinguishing mark; the latter are characterised by scars produced by [[lines?]] on the forehead & cheeks.
[[image -- a sketch of the face and neck of a person with short hair showing scarification -- four vertical lines on each cheek, beginning over the cheekbones and terminating level with the bottom of the nose and four slightly longer vertical lines at the center of the forehead, centered between brow and hairline.]]