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that of a mulatto & a true negro. The nose is not depressed, the lips are rather thick, the eyes large, [[strikethrough]] dark [[/strikethrough]] black & [[strikethrough]] sparkling [[/strikethrough]] bright & the hair woolly.

Two divisions, or tribes, of this race, were known to the Colonists, both of which are [[strikethrough]] mentioned [[/strikethrough]] described by Barrow, Lichtenstein & Barehill, who [[strikethrough]] se [[/strikethrough]] give vocabularies of their dialects. These tribes are the Koosses, or "Caffres proper", to the east of the Colony, & the Bitshuɑnɑs to the north. The latter inhabit the interior, as far north as the tropic, beyond which the country is occupied by the Wanketsi, of whom we have no distinct account. The  [[strikethrough]] latter [[/strikethrough]] former  [[strikethrough]] live [[/strikethrough]] possess the country on the sea-coast, between the Great Fish river in Lat. 33 degrees S., & Lagoa bay, in 26 degrees. Of the [[strikethrough]] territory to [[/strikethrough]] people who inhabit the territory between this bay, & the Portugese settlements of Sofala, we have hitherto had no account. It is this void which I have been able to fill, by [[strikethrough]] this [[/strikethrough]] pointing out a new tribe of the Caffre race under the name of the


These people are proved both by their physical traits, & by their language, to [[strikethrough]] appertain [[/strikethrough]]  belong to the same family with the Koossas & Bitshuɑnɑs. Their physiognomy is exactly that which has been described as distinctive of the Caffre, & the following vocabulary will show that their language is a sister dialect of the two above-mentioned. It was [[strikethrough]] derived [[/strikethrough]] ^[[obtained]] from two [[strikethrough]] The distinctive personal mark of this tribe is the most [[/strikethrough]]
natives, both of more than ordinary intelligence; one of them was from the town of Akankomate ^[[on the coast]] between the Nyambana & Nyazya rivers, or about Lat. 24 degrees S; the other from Kɑmowɑnɑwɑ'nkɑshi, on the river Nyɑmpɑrɑ, not less than five months from the sea. It is never been supposed that this river extended far inland, & the [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] great distance [[strikethrough]] betwe [[/strikethrough]] mentioned by the man appears [[strikethrough]] at first sight [[/strikethrough]] very suspicious if not preposterous. We find, however, mention made by Burchell of a tribe of Caffres called the [[underline]]Wɑ'nketsi[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]][[/underline]], who live to the north of the Bitshuanas & at least 600 miles ^[[in a westerly direction]] from the mouth of the Nyɑmpɑrɑ, - [[strikethrough]] & in a westerly [[/strikethrough]] whether the similarity between the names Wɑ'nketsi[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] & [[strikethrough]] Wa [[/strikethrough]] Kɑmowɑnɑ-wɑ'nkɑ'shi is sufficient to [[strikethrough]] and under [[/strikethrough]] authorise the supposition of a connection between the two, I do not pretend to determine.