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The distinctive personal mark of this tribe is the most extraordinary of any that have fallen under my observation. It consists in a row of artificial pimples or warts, about the size of a pea, begin- in the [[strikethrough]] centre [[/strikethrough]] ^[[middle]] of the upper part of the forehead, & descending to the tip of the nose. [[strikethrough]] Of the mo [[/strikethrough]] I could not learn [[strikethrough]] how [[/strikethrough]] in what manner these singular elevations were produced, nor whether they served any other purpose than as a [[strikethrough]] distinctive mark note [[/strikethrough]] ^[[distinguishing mark]]. The natives appeared to be averse to speaking [[strikethrough]] of them [[/strikethrough]] of it, probably because it had been often made a subject of ridicule. 

[[image - four sketches of faces profile, full face, profile (strikethrough), profile (strikethrough). Sketching distinguishing marks described]] 

This language has some peculiar articulations, & appears to delight in harsh compounds. It has the Greek χ, the Arabic [[strikethrough]][[attempt at ص]][[/strikethrough]] ص, or ^[[a hollow]] [[underlined]]S[/underlined]] followed by a slight sound of o (noted by [[rounded]]ᵴ[[/rounded]]) & a z [[strikethrough]][[?]][[/strikethrough]] of a similar character. The compounds χl & tχl are of frequent occurrence, & as may well be supposed, very difficult to [[strikethrough]]catch[[/strikethrough]] pronounce. W[[ȥ?]] expresses a peculiar half-closing of the lips before pronouncing the [[ȥ?]]. The nasal sounds, expressed by ~ & ŋ are of frequent occurrence, & in some cases, as in ĩχloko or in iŋχloko, the head, they are [[strikethrough]]comp[[/strikethrough]] conjoined with other sounds in such a manner as to produce a singularly [[strikethrough]]& diff[[/strikethrough]] harsh & difficult combination. Most of the words end with a hardly audible [[emissive?]] of sound which I have represented by the short vowels ă, ĕ, ŏ, &c. 

[[strikethrough]]Other peculiaratas[[/strikethrough]] Other peculiarities of this remarkable dialect will appear on looking over the vocabulary. I should observe, however, that of some of the words I was unable to settle the orthography to my satisfaction; - thus the word for moon will be found spelt [[spent?]] ŋŏēnēte, ŋwenēte & ŋoĭenēte; but the difference is slight.
