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5. Mudjana or Matcha'ua.
[[strikethrough]] The inla [[/strikethrough]] Inland of the Makua & Mocarangua [[strikethrough]] tribes [[/strikethrough]] natives, the interior of the continent is inhabited by a number of [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] savage [[strikethrough]] & [[/strikethrough]] tribes, with whom the former carry on a continual war for the purpose of procuring slaves. The best know among these are the Mudjana, [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] or Matchana, the Maŋanji, the Maca'ci, & the Mako'nde.
The [[strikethrough]] Macan [[/strikethrough]] Mudjana are the same as those whom Salt mentions under the name of Monjou, & places not less than [[3?]]00 miles [[strikethrough]] to the interior[[/strikethrough]] from the coast. It is this tribe, perhaps, which the Portuguese of the fifteenth century intended ^[[?]] under the title of the Empire of [[Mohenemuji?]], covering the whole interior of Southern Africa.
The Madjana are among the ugliest of the African tribes - they are short & ill-formed, with the usual negro features in their most [[strikethrough]] marked [[/strikethrough]] exaggerated degree. [[strikethrough]] Their national mark is a scar cut in the in sam [[/strikethrough]] They have on the face & body [[strikethrough]] the figure of [[/strikethrough]] cicatrices in the shape of a double cross, or a star, disposed without regularity. The [[strikethrough]] y were [[/strikethrough]] incisions [[strikethrough]] They were [[/strikethrough]] are made, as one of them informed me, when they are children, & some kind of wood is rubbed upon these to give them a dark color.

6. Makonde
Of the other inland natives, the only one of whose [[strikethrough]] langua [[/strikethrough]] dialect I obtained a vocabulary was the Makonde; but I was assured ^ by the natives that the Maŋanji & Macaci are nearly connected with them - or as they expressed it, "all brothers". The Makonde  [[strikethrough]] are situated [[/strikethrough]] live apparently about two hundred leagues [[strikethrough]] in the interior [[/strikethrough]] to the N.W. of Quilimane, & about the same distance east of [[strikethrough]] M [[/strikethrough]] Vige in Benguela, - which space is all that needs to be supplied in order to [[strikethrough]] [[?]] make out [[/strikethrough]] complete the connection between the eastern & western coasts
