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June 23 53 Streptopus amplexifolius, (L.) D.C. shady woods Iliamna Trail
f. ab. both outside + inside        OK

" 54 Geum macrophyllum, Willd       OK
Open woods    Iliamna Trail
Occurs both outside + inside but [[underline]] not ab. [[/underline]]

" 55 Sambucus [[strikethrough]] racemosa [[/strikethrough]] pubens, Michx.
[[underline]] Com. [[/underline]] Open woods   [[Jinkel-yash?]] Pass
Sambucus racemosa L.

" 56 Calamagrostis
Sandy Ok. banks    Iliamna Bay
f.[[underline]] a.b. [[/underline]] 
Poa arctica P. Br.
This species wherever obsrved, was found to have many of the seeds sprouting while the plant was yet growing-
On further observation this [[strikethrough]]g[[/strikethrough]] sprouting appears to be a [[underline]]fungoid[[/underline]] growth of some kind--

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[[underline]]June 24[[/underline]] 57 Anemone narcissiflora, L.     OK
Rocky slopes   Ginkel-yash Pass
[[underline]]Not ab.[[/underline]]

" 58 Chamaecystis procumbus (L.) Kuntze
Rocky slopes   Jinkel-yash Pass
[[underline]]Not ab.[[/underline]] 
Chamaecistus procumbeus (L.) Kuntze.

" 59 Rubus spectabilis, Pursh    OK.
Rocky slopes   Jinkel-yash Pass
f. ab. on L. Clark near Kee-jik River. [[strikethrough]]below Portage CK.[[?]] op.side of hill near [[?]] CK. but not yet ripe.[[/strikethrough]]

[[underline]]June 25[[/underline]] 60 Pyrola rotundifolia, L. ?
Open woods   Iliamna River, Alaska
K= Kheuk-tha
Pyrola rotundifolia L.
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