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1902.                         OK
June 29 85 Sorbus sambucifolia (C.&S.) Roem.
Open woods      Iliamna R.
Rare  K =Muk-thil-ehin-a       K's say that the Russians eat the fruit. 
Fruit is partially cooked on hot rocks and then eaten as a remedy in coughs, asthma, hemorrhages etc.
Branches are heated on hot rocks and used to beat the body

" 86 Moneses uniflora, (L.) A. Gray    OK
Open mossy woods   Iliamna R.
Not ab.
June 30 87 Limnorchis [strikethrough]Habenaria[/strikethrough]
Open mossy woods    Iliamna river
 Rare K = Nan-too-nah
[underline]Not the same as 193.[/underline] The leaf is [underline]longer[/underline] and the roots are [underline]fleshy[/underline]-
Lysiella obtusata (Pursh) Rydb.

" 88 Anemone
Open woods Iliamna River
Anemone richardsoni Hook.

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June 30 89 Iris setosa, Pall.    OK
Sphag. marshes+ wet ground
Ab. K= Tik-nil-ah-kol-ah-jit-lah
K's sometimes chew the root but say it is hot like pepper.

" 90 Salix
Open woods Jinkel-yash Trail
Com. K= Thoon-thul-ki-uh

" 91 Pedicularis
Sphag. marshes Jinkel-yash Trail
Not ab 
Pedicularis euphrasioides Steph.

" 92 Andromeda Polifolia, L.    OK
f.ab. Sphag. marshes Jinkel-yash Trail
K= Khuk-i-uh
Branchlets and leaves are boiled for one hour and the decoction drunk for coughs + colds
Andromeda polifolia L. 
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