Viewing page 21 of 117

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[[start of page]]

2027 Solanum
Solanum renschii Vatke
2028 [[check mark]]
[[line across page]]
2029 Cyp.
2030 [[check mark]]
2031 Thelastomatac.
2032 Lab.
2033 [[check mark]]
2034 Euphorb.
Euphorbia rivae Pax
2035 Legum. Det. B. Verdcourt 3/69
[[underlined]] Eriosema psoraleoides [[/underlined]] (Lam.) G. Don
2036 Rubiac.
2037 [[check mark]]
2038 [[check mark]] Simaroubaceae
Brucea antidysenterica Mill.
2039 Zingiherac.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[Label for 2027 and 2028]]
Vicinity of Fort Hall, British East Africa; altitude about 1200 meters 
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 25-28, 1909

[[line across page]]
[[Label for 2029 through 2039]]

Trail from the first native market south of Fort Hall to Saba- Saba, British East Africa; altitude about 1500 meters.
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector October 29-31, 1909