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2612 Cyp. 

2613 Gramin.
2614 Polygolia. 
2615 Cypucc. 
2616 Amarauthac.

2617 Pteridium

2618 Sapindao.

2619 Amaranthac.
 Achyranthes aspera L.
2620 Rubiac.
2621 Legum. Det. J.B. Gillett 16/1/1969
[[underline]] Indigofera garckeana [[/underline]] Vatke
2622 Legum. Det. J.B. Gillett 1968
[[underline]]Indigofera garckeana [[/underline]] Vatke
2623 Malvac.

2624 Legum.
 Sesbania cf. pachycarpa DC. emend
 Guill. + Perv. det B. Verdcourt 12/69
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Vicinity of Kigomma, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 meters
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 30, 1909
[[pencil line across]]
Vicinity of Yilo, on the trail from Entebbe, Victoria Nyanza, to Butiaba, Albert Nyanza, Uganda; altitude 1110-650 
No. Dr. EDGAR A. MEARNS, Collector December 31, 1909
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