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5-24-65 Mon.
Fine day - light overcast 
much of day - 

B. Oriole [[male symbol]] [[* (circled in red)]] Doves
O. Oriole [[male symbol]]                        Jays
[[*(circled in red)]]Cardinals & [[underline]] young [[\underline]] (CE) Crows
Robins                                           Song Sps.
[[*(circled in red)]]Grackles & [[underline]] young [[\underline]]   Starlings
H.Wren                     [[*(circled in red)]] Engl.Sps.
Martins                                          Catbirds
Ch. Swifts                                        Thrasher
[[red *]][[strikethrough]] Car [[\strikethrough]] All with young:Cardinal:1 yng;Dove:1 young.

May 25-1965
2 young Grackles
Song sparrows
[[strikethrough]] C [[\strikethrough]] Sue Home!!
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[[start page]]
5-26-65 Wed. 60[[degree symbol]]-92[[degree symbol]]
Partly overcast - then 
clearing - hot
Bobwhite                      Doves
[[red *]]Wood Peewee          Jays
Ch. Swifts                     Engl. Sps.
H. Wren                        Starlings
C. Waxwings                    Mockers
Robins                        Grackles
[[red checkmark]]Sc. Tanager   Song Sps.
Barn Swallows                 Catbirds
Cardinals                     P.Martins

5-27-65 Thurs.
Hot day - partly cloudy - 
[[red checkmark]] Blackpoll W {all over yard    Balt. Oriole [[male symbol]]^in yd.
Robins & young
Goldfinches    etc.
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