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6-5-65-Sat. 50°-77°
Beautiful day -

Bobwhite           Doves
Indigo Bunting     Jays
Catbirds           [[red]]Titmice[[//red]]
Robins(5)          P. Martins
Flicker in yd.     Cardinals
Chickadees + young Grackles
Song Sps.          Engl. Sps.
Starlings          3 Ch. Swifts

6-6-65 - Sun. 55°-84°
Another grand day - warmer

Flicker in yd -     Jays
Red-tailed Hawk     Doves
Ind. Bunting        Song Sps.
Cardinals           Cowbirds
Robins (5)          Mockers
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Goldfinches          P. Martins
Grackles             Ch. Swifts
Starlings            Crows
Titmice (+young)     Engl. Sps.
Catbirds             Bobwhite

6-7-65 Mon 64°-90°
Beautiful, [[underline]]warm
               usual birds[[//underline]]

6-8-65 Tues 70°-91°

Sc. Tanager in yd.      Jays
H. Wren
2 Doves (parent 2x as lge. as baby)
[[red checkmark and underline]] Baby [[//red underline]] [[underline]]Jay[[//underline]], [[black ink]]could not fly -
squirrel took after. Jim and
other birds gave chase; Jay hopped into holly
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