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6-9-65 Wed. 68°- 83°
overcast - extremely brief
shower in early A.M 
[[red checkmark]] 2 Downys [[red checkmark]] Titmice + 
            etc.    [[red underline]] young[[//red underline]]

6-10-65 - Thurs. 
Titm [[strikethrough]] ouse [[//strikethrough]] ice + [[red underline]] young[[//red underline]]
2 [[male symbol]] cardinals + +
[[blue]] Brief - hard shower
6-11-65 - Fri. [[//blue]] 64° - 85° 
Nice day - hot -

[[red asterisk]] [[blue]]Yellow-billed Cuckoo[[//blue]]           Jays
H. Wren
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
6-12-65 - Sat. 65°-85°
To Lebanon with Jack
Abbott + John Nevins -
rumor of Bachman's W.-
not confirmed. Fine
day - but hot. 

Cowbirds (ad [[male symbol]] + [[female symbol]]) Jays
Song Sps.              Doves
Robins                 Cardinals
Grackles               Engl. Sps. 
Mockers                H. Wren [[male symbol]]
Ch. Swifts             Catbirds
P. Martins             Crows
5 + - Titmice
Indigo Bunting [[male symbol]]

6-13-65   65°-79°- wind W.
10 - 35 mph. - Glorious
"Mountain Day" 
Harry McCool over for
cocktails & a bite