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7-30-65 Fri 60[[degree symbol]]-85[[degree symbol]]
Glorious day!

Towhee [[male symbol]]       H. Wren
Chickadees                   Cardinals (5)
P. Martins                   Robins
Ch. Swifts                   Red-belly

7-31-65 Sat. 60[[degree symbol]]-86[[degree symbol]] 
Wonderful day- lt. rain about 11:30 P.M.
[[red checkmark]] Hairy ad [[male symbol]] feeding imm.[[underlined in red]] at suet
Chickadees           Jays
Titmice              Doves
Cardinals            Starlings
Grackles             Engl. Sps. 
Song Sps.            Mockers
Robins (5)           H. Wren
P. Martins           B. Swallow
Catbirds             Ch. Swifts
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goldfinch [[male symbol]] Thrasher
[[red checkmark]] Hummingbird

8-1-65 Sun. 65[[degree symbol]]-76[[degree symbol]]
Thundershower, brief + hard at 6:55 AM[[underlined]]- then again about 8:00 A.M.- continuing-intermittently quite hard to about 11:30 + occ. drizzle later. 0.70"[[underlined in red]]
Titmice                   Doves
Crows                     Jays
Hairys (wil. [[male symbol]] [[female symbol]] + I [[male symbol]])[[arrow pointing to male symbol]]fed suet by [[male symbol]]
Cardinals                     Catbirds
Grackles                      Flicker
4-6 Song Sps.                  Downy
Starlings                     Ch. Swifts
Engl. Sps.                    H. Wren
Robins (5)
P. Martins 
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