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[[start of page]]
Ch. Swifts           Martins
Catbirds             Cardinals
[[red asterisk]] Broadwing Hawk [[down arrow]]        etc.

[[down arrow]] flying due north about 8:00 P.M. low over house.
[[down arrow]] 7:45 AM. Flying due S-low, harried by Starlings + Martins
8-14-65 Sat.

Brief shower at 7:00 AM- then hot- humid
Towhee               Song Sps.
Crows                P. Martins
2 Titmice            Engl. Sps.
Jays                 Red-belly
Doves                Goldfinch
Grackles             Thrasher
Cardinals            Catbird
Robins               2 Ch. Swifts
Starlings            Hummingbird
[[red asterisk]] Sparrow Hawk   Mockers
[[end of page]]

[[start of page]]
8-15-65 Sun.   68[[degree symbol]]-93[[degree symbol]]
Hot, humid.

Cardinals               Starlings
Towhee                  Mockers
Song Sps.               Catbirds
Engl. Sps.              Hummingbird
Grackles                Titmice
Robins                  P. Martins
Jays                    Ch. Swifts
Doves                   Goldfinch
Crows          [[red asterisk]] Balt. Oriole [[male symbol]]

first tomato[[underlined]]

8-16-65-Mon-70[[degree symbol]]-94[[degree symbol]]
Overcast in A.M.- 
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