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[[red checkmark]]Towhee              Jays
[[red checkmark]]Balt. Oriole(Imm.)  Doves
[[red checkmark]]Hummingbird         Song Sps.
Crows                            4-6 Grackles
Cardinals                          2 Starlings
[[red checkmark]]Kingbird     Rob[[crossed out]]
Thrasher                      Engl. Sps.
Robins   [[down arrow]]               Mockers
[[red asterisk]]Canada W.[[underlined in red]]
Ch. Swifts                    Flicker
Titmice                       Hairy

[[down arrow]]in mimosa about 7:45 PM.

Heavy overcast-brief shower in early AM.

[[red checkmark]] Carolina Wren       Doves
Grackles                              Jays
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[[start of page]]
Cardinals           Catbirds(s)
Mockers             Thrasher
Song Sps.           Robins
Engl. Sps.          Flicker
Starlings           Titmice
Chickadees          Crows
[[red asterisk]]E. Flycatcher ([[acad?]])
[[red checkmark]] Kingbird

8-26-65         65[[degree symbol]]-88[[degree symbol]]
Rain started last [[in red]]1 1/4"
night-gentle- about 9:30- very heavy[[underlined]] rain 6:00-7:00 PM
Crows              Mockers
Cardinals          Jays
Grackles           Doves
Catbirds           Titmice
Song Sps.          Thrasher
Engl. "            Flicker
Robins             Downy
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