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[[left-hand page]]
[[stamped page number, upper left]] 48 [[/stamp]] Guadeloupe 16.

[[underline]] Station 80. [[/underline]]
Three kilometers (five by trail) northeast of St. Claude on the trail to La Soufrière. El. 3500 ft. (+?)
A couple of small weevils flying.
We did a little sweeping, but found nothing. Flowers also had nothing. Our time was limited by the setting sun and we had to hurry back in order to have light on the steep and rough part at the bottom. We arrived at the car just at dark and came home without incident.
[[left margin note]] XI-3-35 Sunday [[end margin note]] Today started out clear and beautiful, but soon clouded up, and rained fitfully,--occasionally quite hard. I spent the morning putting away specimens. After lunch I drew the map of St. Thomas on page 26.
[[underline]] Vagrant Thoughts [[/underline]]: People who put old batteries in rent cars..... Cribbage...   How do mosquitoes live when no people are available?..... How hard it is to walk anywhere when there is a car available..... The number of Forficulids in the places I look for Staphs..... The mail service..... Meals!..... The number of volcanoes named Soufrière..... How much mosquitoes like Ruth..... Sanitary facilities, if any..... Coughing dogs..... The French language..... A finger wave..... The usefulness of a good machete..... Collecting postage stamps..... Or coins.
[[end page]]

[[right-hand page]]
[[stamped page number upper right]] 49 [[/stamp]]

[[left margin note]] XI-4-35 [[/margin note]] Today the weather was fine, but I had to get a letter off to Bailey in San Juan with the key to the sidecar. That done, Ruth and I walked down the hill to the culvert where I found the Staphs and scarabs under fruit (station 79). I had replaced the fruit in a pile and I picked this over carefully [[left margin note]] Sta. 79 C.[[/margin note]] and sifted the soil beneath.
Got a ^[[(7)]] [[insertion written in pencil]] few Staphs and a few Nitidulids. Then by sifting trash and soil from other parts of the streambed, I took quite a few more Staphs and one Aphodiine. Sweeping produced only spiders and bugs (1 sm. beetle). After lunch we went to town (Basse-Terre) to see if we could buy some decent food to supplement our "meals" here. The best we could do was a can of guava jelly, a can of Nestle's Milk, a box of tea cookies, and some (French-made) Swiss chocolate bars. Then we tried to get a machete, but they have only locally made ones,--all of one style and not at all suited to my needs. We had more trouble with the car battery. At the Ford agency they were unable to do anything about it but recommended a place in St. Claude. After cranking it three times, we finally arrived
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