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[[stamped page number in upper left corner]] 54 [[end stamp]] Guadeloupe 22.

germ cells [[strikethrough]] etc [[/strikethrough]] germ disc, etc. Anterior, _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Ant. Mesenteron Rudiment, Ant. Tentorial Arm, etc., etc. These lists would contain only the terms made by adding something after the word. All others would be placed in proper alphabetical position. I feel that a glossary should contain only the technical words of the particular subject, whereas a dictionary would have all the scientific or unusual words used in connection with the subject. If I make the cards with the more complete work in mind, I would always take out certain ones for a Glossary. Sources of definitions are rather scarce. I think of Smith's Glossary, Jardine's Dictionary of Entomology, Kirby & Spence's Introduction, Comstock & Kellogg Anatomy, Macgillivray's anatomy, Sharp & Muir's Comp. Anat. ♂ Genitalia, Tanner's Gen. of ♀ Col., Stickney's Head Capsule of Col., Imms' Textbook, and Recent Advances, Frizzell's Type Terms, etc. The greatest difficulty will be to find ones for the less Technical words that are so often used they [[proofreader's mark to transpose words]] that are never defined. One or two of the older textbooks have glossaries, and several of them give may definitions.
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[[stamped page number in upper right corner]] 55 [[end stamp]]

[[left margin note]] XI-8-35 [[end margin note]] This morning one of the little colored boys came in with a 6-inch walking stick, cheval de diable in French. As I had nothing large enough to hold it, I had to drop it directly into the alcohol tank. We offered to pay a franc apiece for more. After lunch another boy came up with one in each hand,--these were smaller so we gave him one franc. Later they brought a branch with four on it, and still later one with ten! For the later we paid three francs and told them we had enough. I have no way to keep [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] or pack them, and I'm afraid they will be hopelessly battered if I leave them in the bottom of the tank. I guess I'll have to try to mail them back dry in a Nabisco box.!
Before lunch Ruth and I walked up the hill to break open the rotten log found on the 6[[underlined superscript]]th[[/superscript]].
[[underline]] Station 84. [[/underline]]
One kilometer northeast of Matouba. Across the valley from Station 7. Elevation 2200 feet. Found in long two Staphs, several large larvae, and one or two Myriapods. Could find nothing else in this or other logs. Tried also a little "difting" of trash about a dead skunk but without finding anything.
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