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[[stamped page number, upper left]] 72 [[/stamp]] Trinidad 6.

[[left margin note]] XI-21-35 [[/margin note]] Went down town to see about licenses. The Licensing Authority office is in the constabulary station on the quay. When I explained my wishes to the clerk, he said I would have to see Captain Sharp, who would be back "after breakfast." Further questions [[strikethrough]] sti [[/strikethrough]] ellicited the information that breakfast is at noon, and therefore the Captain would be back at one-thirty or two. I went to a stationery store to order some 3x5 cards. They will have to be cut from ordinary paper and will cost $1.50 per 1000. I left a roll of films to be developed and purchased some shaving soap.
The afternoon (as well as yesterday afternoon) I spent making the index for Ruth's journal. It served to remind me of the large number of interesting things we see and hear but do not remember to write down. Also the lack of ordinary data, as names of people ^[[and]] places. Late in the afternoon Mr. Adamson and his son came to take us out to see a boat that is being built for the boy. It is a large rowboat, native-made of native woods. They build the boat up on a carved kiel without form or frames. (The latter are added after the planking is finished!!).
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[[stamped page number upper right]] 73

This place was out three or four miles along the northern main road, west from Four Roads. We had a good view of the Five Islands, with a house on each.
The evenings are so short that we seldom do anything but a little reading before going to bed. At least we have decent electric lights!
[[left margin note]] XI-22-35 [[/margin note]] More errands in town. Tried to make the rounds of all steamship lines that might bring freight from Puerto Rico. The result was the following list of possibilities:
Amer. Car. - A Steamer, Tues. 26 from St. Thomas;
McCormack - West [[Ira ?]], Thurs. 28 from Puerto Rico;
Furneas - Norden, Sun. 1 from St. Thomas;
Can. Nat. - Lady Drake, Wed. 4 from St. Thomas.
The West [[Ira ?]] is the best chance, I guess.
Got the filing cards and spent most of the afternoon working on them.
I went down for a few minutes to see Capt. Sharp about my license. He will give me a free vehicle license but I must get a driver's permit and liability insurance. Stopped by at the Motor Union and arranged for the latter. Got the photographs back. Nos. 37 to 42. These are the first on which I have kept record of the exposures. Only one is first class; the others all have defects or were too dark.
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