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[[stamped page number]] 88 [[/stamp]] Trinidad 22.

[[left margin note]] XII-12-35 [[/margin note]] In the morning I went up to the Department of Agriculture to see Pound. Found him in, and very pleasant. Said he had been on a whole-day trip yesterday. Too bad I missed. He didn't expect to be going back out again till next Wednesday. However, he offered to go on Sunday to the northeast corner of the island, and said he would invite Adamson and perhaps Urich. It's a date.
Spent the afternoon and evening on cards, except that I have to lay-off while Ruth takes her nap from one to three. After tea the maid brought in a beautiful dark gray persian cat (rather small). It didn't seem friendly at first, but later was quite playful and friendly on the bed.
[[left margin note]] XII-13-35 [[/margin note]] Mailed some letters in the morning, including a twelve-page one to the family. It took nine cents (Trinidad) and I also put two [[strikethrough]] five [[/strikethrough]] six cent U.S. Airmail stamps on it and wrote "Airmail from N.Y. only." We'll see what happens. The rest of the day spent on cards. Have now gotten into the F's.
[[left margin note]] XII-14-35 [[/margin note]] Went to town with Ruth in the morning. Got the insurance policy on the motor. Spent the rest of the morning and the afternoon on cards.
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[[stamped page number]] 89 [[/stamp]]

At 7:30 the Adamson's came over for dinner. We had a private table on the verandah. After dinner we went to the Globe Theatre to see False Madonna. It was a little overdone, and ended poorly. After that the Adamson's took us to the Trinidad Country Club. We had refreshments and danced til twelve-thirty. The Adamson's can't go tomorrow, but they urged Ruth to go along. We met the cruise director from the Nerissa and saw the purser. Got to bed after one A.M.
[[left margin note]] XII-15-35 [[/margin note]] Up before seven and packed up the things to take with us on the trip. Pound arrived at eight-thirty and alone, so Ruth decided to go with us. We drove out through St. Joseph, Arima, Sangre Grande, and Toco to Sans Souci on the north coast (east end). It is about seventy-five miles, but the road is good and Pound's new V-8 very comfortable. We passed the "5-mile stretch", about 3.8 miles long, and reached a belt of tropical forest a few miles beyond Sangre Grande.
[[underline]] Station 96. [[/underline]]
Five miles northeast of Sangre Grande on the road to Toco. A tropical forest containing nothing but more trees. Under bark of a rotten log found two species of Staph ^[[(2)]] [[insertion written in pencil]]and several larvae. Also some large black ants.
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