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[[The first half of a table which continues onto the next page --- this half records flight statistics with columns showing the date, names of pilots, plane ID numbers, and the times and duration of their flights and the assigned missions]]

Thaaw  lieut.
Soubiran  Sergt.
Départ: 18h30
Retour: 19h30
Durée: 1h
Dugan  Capor.
Hewitt -do-

Mission: Chasse  St. Quentin  Moy  altitude 2800m.
Lowell  Capor.
Départ: 17h
Retour: 18h45
Durée: 1h45

Mission: Itin.  St. Quentin  altit. 4500m

21-4-17 [[second group]]
Havilland  Capor
Départ: 17h
Retour: 18h
Durée: 1h

Départ: 18h20
Retour: 19h40
Durée: 1h20

Mission: St. Quentin

21-4-17 [[third group]]
Johnson  Sergt.
Départ: 17h55
Retour: 19h40
Durée: 1h45
Willis Capor.

Mission: Protection mission photographique  St. Quentin Mézières  s|Oise.   alt. 4000m.