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limestone 2000 feet above and back from the inner canon.  The inner canon curves and winds down tho' the sandstone and then into the sandstone beneath.

[[image - a pen sketch showing the inner canon winding within the walls of the outer canon.  A point "a" is marked on the inner canon and point "b" is marked on the outer canon.]]

At (a) the inner wall is 1000 feet the outer 1700 at (b).  Camped at night beside a water pocket.  A hole in the bed of the stream.  The canon is very narrow.  Not over three rods broad + the solid limestone, stained red, rises 1000 feet to the brink.  The high walls back cannot be seen.  The change from the sandstone with its curious and beautiful sculpture and picturesque coloring to the massive perpendicular limestone wall is very striking.  It seems a lonely and long journey down this canon, but nature places her treasures and rare beauties where