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of the solemnity of nature in the hour when she is at rest that will not soon be effaced. 
Up at daybreak, breakfasted, collected a few fossils and then bid adieu to our camp. All were glad to leave it. A puddle to drink from and no feed for the animals. The canon continued to wind first east then west and in fact to all points of the compass. The trail was good and a few miles down a little clean water was was seen in the bed of the channel and soon a small brooklet glided over the rocks. Springs added to its volume and to night the music of a noisy brook breaks the stillness. On our way down the canon a drove of cattle was ahead of us. At one point they stopped and refused to be driven ahead. We let them pass by and found a rocky barrier in our path. By an hours work a path was formed and we passed over only to find a still greater mass of fallen rocks with