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Down after reaching the running water a mass of green was seen ahead attached to the side of the cliff. Approaching, it was seen to be a great cluster of plant attached to the cliff where a spring came out. Jutting out from the cliff twenty feet and so high a horse could pass under. The leaves were small & of a deep olive green, scattered thickly over the entire mass were star shaped, brilliant scarlet flowers. Thro' the mass the water penetrated and rained down as from a great sponge. It was quite a refreshing sight as nothing of the character has been seen in many a long day. Tomorrow is sunday & I hope it will be a day of rest for man & beast as all need it. An [[strikethrough]] earense [[/strikethrough]] emense mass of limestone has fallen from the cliff a short distance below & a trail must be built over or around it. (50 mile from the nearest house we lie down to sleep gently and without fear.