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The same Father watches over us here that does at our homes and life is secure if care and foresight are given to its protection.
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Sunday P.M. 19th Oct.
After breakfast climbed up the cliff a hundred feet to a dark spot & found a great cluster of ferns and wild plants. The fern resembles our own beautiful maidenhair and altho' not as delicate and graceful may be a variety of it or another species of the same genus. [[underlined]] Adiantum [[/underlined]]. Slipped coming down & fell whereby getting a black thumbnail & a sore thumb. Read papers until noon. ate a lunch and went down the canon to examine the canon & trail. we can pass the fallen limestone by going over a very rough & steep mass of rock and dirt. A hard looking road. Blocks of limestone 40 X 50 X 30, (60000 cubic feet) are piled where the trail formerly led. The mass has fallen recently