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16281 Acer sp? tree 35 - 40 ft, flowers yellow forests on eastern slopes of Mt Konka above Garuh, elev. 13500 ft. Mt. Shanandodji. 16282 Rhod. sp? flowers yellow, shrub, 10 ft. forests eastern slopes of Mt. Konka elev 12500 ft - 13000 ft. 16283 Iris sp? 2 - 3 ft tall flowers deep purple, grassy banks, in forest clearing on Mt. Konka eastern slopes, Shanandodji, elev. 12000 to 14000 ft. 16284 Deutzia ? shrub 6 - 10 ft flowers white, forests of eastern slopes of Mt. Konka, elev. 12000 ft. 16285 Lilium sp? 3 - 4 ft tall, flowers green, in fir forests of Mt. Konka, eastern slopes, elev. 14200 ft. Shanandodji. 16286 Corydalis sp.? flowers ultramarine blue in Rhododendron and willow scrub, 14600 ft. camp Shi Khain west of Mt. Mitzuga, Muli. 16287 Aconitum sp? plant 3 ft tall flowers deep purplish blue, in willow and Rhodod. scrub. same loc. as 16286. 16288 Pedicularis sp? flowers purple, same locality as 16287 16289 Senecio, flowers yellow [[strikethrough]] ap [/strikethrough]] alpine meadows, same loc. as 16287. 16290 Aster sp? alpine meadow, eastern slopes of Mt. Konka above Garuh, elev. 14200 ft.