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From 17052 on collected on Mt. Chi Ch'a shan [[Chinese characters]] in [[hoski]] Gi tsa shan west of the Mekong and north of wheiksi. June- July. 1928. 

17051 Rhod. sp? shrub 4-6 ft. or more, leaves thick coriaceous, linear, lanceolate, deep brown thick tomentous fl pale yellow, alpine regions 15500 ft. [[line beneath entry separating it from 17052]] 

17052 Rhodod. tree 15-18 ft. leaves large coriaceous pale brown beneath, flowers large in ample corymbs pale red (pink). alpine regions 14000 ft. 

17053 Rhodod. tree 25 ft tall leaves as before (17052) flowers yellow. same loc. 

17054 Rhod. sp? shrub 3-5 ft. leaves oval, glaucous beneath glabrous, flowers yellow, slopes of mountain spruce forest 12000 ft

17055 Rhod. sp? shrub 6-8 ft. leaves lanceolate grey glabrous beneath. flowers white. same loc. as 17054. 

17056 Primula sp? flowers blue alpine swampy meadow 14500 ft. 

17057 Enkianthus sp? Tree 10-12 ft. flowers pale yellow forests at 12500 ft elev. 

17058 small tree or shrub 10 ft, fl. pale yellow forests at 12000 ft. 

17059 Ericac. tree 10-12 ft, flowers brick red and striped, in open forests elev 11000 ft. 

17060 Rhodod. sp? shrub 2-5 ft. leave linear grey beneath, flowers small yellow elev. 12500 in spruce forest. 
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