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17101 Rosa sp? shrub 6 ft flowers large white the peduncle supported by deep purple bracts. same loc. as 17100. 

17102 Rhod. sp? shrub 2 ft, leaves linear margins revolute flowers pure white, summit 13500 ft. 

17103 Rosa shrub 6 ft. flowers red, leaves large leaflets serrate, bracts green, oblong, same loc. as 17101. 

17104 Piptanthus, flowers yellow, 1 ft. tall, 13000 ft in alpine meadows. 

17105 Rhodod. sp? tree 12 - 15 ft. leaves large finely tomentose glaucous above, flowers white, alpine region 13600 ft. 

17106 Rhodod. sp? shrub 4 - 6 ft. leaves elliptical, densely dark [[strikethrough]] red [[/strikethrough]] rufous tomentous, flowers pale yellow, [[strikethrough]] apl [[/strikethrough]] alpine regions 13500 ft. 

17107 Rhodod. sp? tree 10 - 12 ft. leaves oblong glabrous. flowers red, alpine regions 13500 ft. 

17108 Rhodod. sp? shrub 1 - 2 ft. leaves small elliptical dark brown beneath flowers deep bluish purple, calyx dark carmine, alpine region 14000 ft. 

17109 Rhodod. sp? shrub 1 ft or more, leaves small elliptical, greyish green beneath, flowers large purplish deep blue, [[strikethrough]] [[les]] [[/strikethrough]] elev. 14000 ft. 

17110 Rhod. sp? shrub 9 - 10 ft. leaves elliptical oblong pale brown tomentose beneath, flowers white, alpine regions 13500 ft - 14000 ft.