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17111 tree 10-15 ft. in forests at elev. of 12500 ft. flowers white.

17112 Rhodod. sp? shrub 1-2 ft. leaves small with hirsute margins, flowers large deep purplish blue, in alpine meadows 14000 ft. 

17113 [[Rhodod.]] sp? shrub 1-2 ft. leaflets small oval glabrous, flowers small purplish blue, wih 17112

17114 Prunus (Cherry) shrub 2-5 ft. flowers pink, alpine meadows 13500 ft. 

17115 Prunus sp? (Cherry) tree 15-20 ft. in forests at 12500 ft elev. flowers pink. 

17116 Rhodod. sp! shrub 6-8 ft. leaves ovate-oblong acute finely tomentose beneath, flowers large white, alpine regions 14500 ft. 

17117 Rhodod. sp? shrub 5-6 ft. leaves ovate acute, brown tomentose beneath. flowers white alpine regions 14500 ft. 

17118 Rhod. sp? tree 15-18 ft. leaves oblong attenuate at base brown tomentose beneath, rich green above, flowers large white. alpine regions 14000 ft. 

17119 Rhodod. tree 15-20 ft. leaves large oblong-obovate, rich brown tomentose beneath, flowers large white. elev 12500 ft in fir forest.

17120 Rhodod. sp? shrub 5-7 ft. leaves oval rust brown beneath, flowers white,alpine regions 14500 ft. 
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