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17521 Primula sp? alpine region of Riuchi 16000 ft elev. flowers purplish to blue.

17522 Primula sp? flowers cream-colored, meadows near snout of Riuchi glacier 15200 ft.

17523 Primula sp? flowers deep purple in company with 17522. 

17524 Pedicularis sp? flowers yellow with 17521.

17525 Lonicera sp? shrub 1 - 2 ft flowers yellowish Riuchi valley elev. 14800 ft.

17526 Salix sp? Riuchi valley 15000 ft.

17527 Anemone sp? meadows of Riuchi 14500 ft. fl. white

17528 Anemone sp?   "      "    "     "       " yellowish smaller. 

17529 Salix sp? prostrate shrub in streambed of Riuchi 15200 ft.

17530 stout herb, flowers purplish green meadows of Riuchi elev 14500 ft.