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17541 Ribes sp? shrub 5 - 8 ft. at Yuling gong north of Tatsieulu 11500 ft.

17542 Geranium fl. purplish, meadows at Yulinggong

17543 Anemone sp? flowers white same loc as no 17542.

17544 Berberis sp? shrub 4 ft. fl. yellow Yulinggong 11000 ft elev.

17545 Pedicularis sp? fl. purple same [[insertion]] loc. [[/insertion]] as no 17542

17546 herb fl. white same loc. as 17542

17547 Primula sp? flowers yellow along brooks at Yulinggong 11500 ft

17548 Primula Wardii flowers pink to purplish. swampy meadows at Jesilongba 12500 ft. 

17549 Primula sp? flowers bluish-purple, [[strikethrough]] along [[/strikethrough]] near Jesila 15000 ft upper Jesilongba. 

17550 Frittilara, flowers dull purple spotted greenish, gravelly slopes upper Jesilongba 15000 ft.