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17281 Rhodod. sp. few inches tall flowers bluish purple alpine region scree 15000 ft. 

17282 Rhodod. shrub 5 - 8 ft. Rhod. forests 14600 ft and among rocks. 

17283 Rhodod. sp? shrub 3 - 4 ft. on slopes at 12500 ft. 

[[line across pages]]
Sheve meu Kau southeast of Chungtien North Yünnan. Aug - Sept. 1928. 

17284 Rhododendron sp? shrub 5 - 6 ft. alpine regions 14500 ft

17285 Rhodod. sp? small tree 12 - 15 ft. in fir forests at 13000 ft. 

17286 Cotoneaster sp? fruits red " " " [[ditto marks noting "in fir forests at 13000 ft."]] shrub 4 - 6 ft. 

17287 Euonymus sp? fruits pinkish red. shrub 10 - 15 ft. in spruce forest 11000 - 12000 ft. 

17288 Paeonia sp? flowers yellow, in spruce forests at 12500 ft. 

17289 Wikstroemia sp? shrub 3-4 ft " " [[ditto marks noting "in spruce forests"]] 12000 ft. fruits orange red. 

17290 Caragana sp? prostrate shrub at 13000 ft among rocks. flowers?

Transcription Notes:
Don't need to put [[start page]] at the start, [[end page]] at the end.