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17361 Abies sp? trees 60 ft tall cones large deep bluish black. in forests north of Tokesher, elev 12000 ft. Nov. 1928. [[underlined]] Seeds coll. [[/underlined]]

17362 Picea sp? trees 80 - 100 ft tall in forests above Ndaza ndü elev. 11000 ft. Nov. 1928. Yünnan. 

17363 Photinia sp? tree 12 - 20 ft. fl. greenish white, fruits a brilliant red as are the leaves in autumn, in forests at Peshui, elev 10500 ft. Nov. 1928. [[underlined]] Seeds coll. [[/underlined]]

17364 Daphne sp? shrub 5 - 6 ft. flowers white not fragrant. in pine forest at Yamada Litain river valley elev. 10000 ft. Dec. 1928. 

17365 Cotoneaster sp? shrub 10 ft. fruits globose a brilliant red. elev. 9500 ft. at Kere north of Lichu, Szech. Yaunquing-Kulu, Dec. 1928. [[underlined]] Seeds coll. [[/underlined]]

17366 Rhod. sp? shrub 10 - 15 ft. leaves ovate acute at apex rounded at base, flowers red? fruits very large, in fir forests north of Kulu on way to Mt. Siga, elev 13000 ft. Dec. 1928. [[underlined]] Seeds collect. [[/underlined]]

17367 Picea sp? trees 150 - 200 ft in forests below Mt. Gibboh elev. 12000 ft forms magnificent forests, trunk. 5 ft in diam. January 1929. Szech. photogr. trees. 

17368 Aquifoliac. shrub 6 - 8 ft. leaves holly-like, fruits a brilliant red. forest below Mt. Gibboh south. slopes along watercourses, elev. 11500 ft. Jan. 1929. [[underlined]] Seeds coll. [[/underlined]]

17369 [[strikethrough]] Abies [[/strikethrough]] Picea sp? trees 100 ft. in limestone gorge back of Rendjou camp elev. 10000 ft elev. Jan. 1929 with Pinus Armandi and Auerc. semecarp. 

[[line across pages]]
Collected Yunnan province Likiang snow range, Peshui - Heshui. March 1929. 

17370 Primula sp? flowers bluish eye yellow moist meadows 10000 ft. Peshui. 

Transcription Notes:
17370 NOT check mark after bluish - just the "g" from the above word.